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Welcome to

Alchemy with Amanda

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I am not here to sell you a dream. I am here to show you how to create it!©

All offerings available via Zoom, Facetime, Messenger & or Telephone.

(* with the exception of in-person Consultancy, Events, etc.)


consultancy services
per Request only
~  Personal Consultancy as your 'Lucky Mystic', Psychic Spiritual Guide & Astrologer (1, 3 or 6 months) 
~ Professional Consultancy to add extra High vibrational grounded energy to your next paid mastermind, container, event or workshop
~ to speak on your Podcast or at your next Event (Live or Online)
~ or for any other Collaborations
Esoteric Empowerment
Potent & bespoke, heartfelt one-on-one evolutionary sessions.
Facilitating the space for you to  remember the "how" &  alchemising your reality by realigning your consciousness with your Highest desired timeline via bold dives into uncovering & shedding archaic set beliefs. 
A consciousness reActivation of the wisdom within your being to enhance your confidence, creating the trust required in Self to embody the FULL strength of your vulnerability.
Showing you how to once and for all jump off the 'healing-hamster-wheel'!  & into the dance of FULL OWNERSHIP & your BEING the true magician in your own life!
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AStrology Deep Dive Sessions
Ever wondered why your Sun sign just doesn't hit the mark? 

Or perhaps you're ready to dive in past your Sun, Moon and Rising & want to learn a little more of the interplay between 'The Top 5' planetary reasons you "tick" the way you do. 

Amanda delivers digestable Astrological Live Sessions - via 'Astro Intro to You' & 'Your Top Five' -  which won't make you feel completely overwhelmed. 

Yet will blow your mind of just how much your Natal & Progressed Charts are playing out in this year of your life. 

Click for more details & to book your Session today!
energy healings & clearings
distant healings
In an oversaturated world of ' to-do's' between the day-to-day,  social media feeds, emails, work, family, friends, health and lifestyle commitments... 

Make a booking today for a distant energy clearing.

You will receive a Full Energy Report of the Channelings that arise during your Clearing. 

Along with any additional guidance - AKA a mini reading - that arises for you at this time in your journey. 
Guided meditations & journeys
& The futurology quest
Have you ever wished you could truly train your mind, that no matter how hectic your schedule, you can operate from a tranquil

Or perhaps you are wishing the visions you have experienced in your minds-eye were to be grounded TRUE here in the reality you stand?
If not those visions, something far greater!? Then Futurology Quest IS FOR YOU!

Either way, Amanda has you covered.

Book your 1:1 Guided Meditation Session -
Zen-Mode Journey or your Quantum Leap into your new reality with The Futurology QUEST today!

This now moment is when your NEW YOU begins!
recorded psychic tarot readings
NOW available via Store
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Each connection & interaction with Amanda is

a life altering experience.


Amanda is a living Channel of truth & prophecy,

minus the fluff & woo.


Each Session is an opportunity for

new awarenesses,

new layers to be shed,

& a new journey

along the ascending spiral

of your ever-rising Consciousness.


As her very being is as an embodied Channel,

Amanda will meet you exactly where you are,

and will be a guide into the depths

only you are willing to go - and no further -

in order to assist with uncovering

the truth of your Soul essence.

To discover the clarity you seek.


Equally so, to stretch, expand

& ascend your consciousness

to the heights in which you desire,

you must be willing to soar just as far.


​The journey into any rabbit-hole

only proves as vast

as your mind is

willing to expand.


Healing, realignment and integration

of new awareness’s of rising

consciousness are not any different.


The edges of your comfort zone

are merely the beginning

of where the real Alchemy

has only just begun.




Amanda safely facilitates the shift

in consciousness your soul is ready

to experience at this time.


Divination, Alchemy & Astrology

are just some of her tools. 



The rest is up to you!


Amanda Darch

I am not here to sell you a dream. I am here to show you how to create it!©

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