“I do not believe in a fate that falls on people
however they act;
but I do believe in a fate that falls upon them
unless they act.”
Buddha 490 AD
This is a safe space. Somewhere to drop in and remember to breathe.
The space where clarity, hope, love and compassion are on offer, in equal abundance alongside truth, transparency, integrity. Wrapped in a divinely mystical bundle of magick!
Amanda Darch (PKA Zarah Wolf) offers a standing invitation to you, for you to step to and face your own truth, purpose, and Highest Version.
And authentically in every encounter.
This is achieved through deep reconnection and realignment to the power you hold within your own Self, combined with a willingness to be held in the most vulnerable of depths & darkness.
And without the need to be trapped in the looping of process after process, many of us can go through on our paths to reclamation of Self. The time has come beloved, for you to step off the healing hamster wheel!
Allow Amanda to be the light, guiding you back to your heart on the path of “bone-deep remembering”.
Amanda holds many of the keys to unlocking your limitless potential within. Simply because she has learned by traversing her own darkness on her journey, exactly what is required to create your own unique key to your Sovereign freedom.

Amanda has channelled for and guided one-on-one, over a thousand individual Souls in her brief time since honouring her own Divine gifts since 2017.
It is through her embracing her alchemist within the wisdom has continued to unlock ever since. Revealing more and more of her Soul’s medicine along her journey of the ascending spiral.
Utilising many of the sacred and ancient tools. Amanda Darch uses her pristine Channel, Heyoka-levels of empathy, Intuitive-Hermetic-Evolutionary-style Astrology and the Tarot to reveal the triggers blocking you to your next Exalted Ascent.
Formally trained as a Reiki Practitioner, the other language in her tool kit is energy. Angelic, Hermetic & Quantum frequencies of consciousness to reach hidden and long forgotten spaces in time.
Amanda consistently strengthens and practices her gifts, while studying holistically, all of the knowledge that is in alignment with her Soul’s purpose and mission in this incarnation.
The mystical, occult & esoteric. The Cosmic & Astrological. The Scientific & Philosophical. To continuously come back into realignment with, and exalt into, her Highest Divine timeline and standard her bespoke offerings bring. No matter the topic.
Her channelled way of BEING is what makes her the powerful Alchemist that you see in this now moment.
It is by embracing her truth she stands whole, sacred and sound in her Divine Creatrix Sovereignty.
Unrestricted by any finite labels whilst weaving her own 9th Dimensional Soul Symphony in the 3D hologram, while journeying the ascending spiral with all the grace she holds.
Join Amanda, and thousands of others, in accepting the invitation to unite as one, in reclaiming their role as a
Sovereign divine ‘Leader for the New Age Earth’ being birthed this next decade.
There is lots to see, do, and BE on the other side of the looking glass.
Are you ready?
​This is the Call. The sign you’ve been waiting for. It is time for your bone deep remembering beloved.
The only time is now. So connect with Amanda today.
She has been waiting for you!

Welcome beautiful kin,
I am Amanda Darch. This is my Light for all those who seek.
This is my Soul’s Medicine, borne of living through my own journey of darkness.
I am not here to try and sell you a dream.
I am here to show you how to create it!
Let's do this! Connect with me today for 'Heart 2 Heart Call' & we shall see if my offerings align with what your Soul is seeking.
9D & above love, always.
Amanda Darch
(PKA Zarah Wolf)
Edited 29 March 2021

All offerings available via Zoom, Messenger & or Telephone.
(* with the exception of in-person Consultancy, Events, etc.)
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