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Thank you for your interest in booking with me.


PLEASE CONTINUE by Clicking HERE for my Current Offerings .


I am  so honoured to bring this to you. 


For what to expect from an experience with me, please see below.


And schedule your Free 30min Call today.

In brief my style is no-fluff, firm yet gentle. I channel it as it is, and dive deep within your energy field.



I feel into your frequencies. The tone of voice you use when sharing your story or issues, the subtle inflections in your delivery, of every choice of words and phrase you use, and the silences between, to get to the crux of what is going on. I am able to feel, know and can see through you like a pane of glass, this is what makes it easy for me to find those “spots” you wish to clear, heal or reveal.


​I am a Heyoka, a mirror, an alchemist, a Healer, however I prefer my own term, 'Healing Guide,' 


Truth is my medicine. However, I can only dive as deep as you are willing to go.


I provide a safe anchored space, a sanctuary for healing, with absolutely ZERO judgement, delivering even the harshest of truths with the deepest love, compassion & innerstanding.



Your Post-Session-Support includes - a private YouTube link to our recorded Zoom Session plus one of the following:


7 Days of VM Integration Support for Guided-Self Healing Sessions.

7 Days for Clarification Questions for Astrology Deep Dives.

1 Check-in Chat via VM for Psychic Channelling Sessions & Anchored Space Holding Sessions.



To receive the most from this Session, please make time to set a clear intention for what you wish to receive from our time together, focus on opening yourself to receive all your Soul needs to, and releasing any expectations so as not to limit what you will receive in Session.


You may prepare any questions you wish to ask during the Session of your choosing.


For Guided Self-Healing or Anchored Space Holding Sessions, please prepare by having consumed ample water in the two days leading up to our scheduled time. 



Make sure to be in a comfortable quiet space where you will not be disturbed, with a glass of water, cup of tea or cacoa.



I am honoured to serve in this chapter of your journey & I look forward to connecting with you in Session or on your Free 30min Call 




Amanda L Darch


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