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Exposing the Blind spots

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

Full Moon in Pisces 17 deg 41' at 19:59 AEST (+10 UTC)

Void of Course begins 10:29 AEST (+10 UTC) 11th September 2022

Conjunct Asteroids: Juno (Roman)/Hesta (Greek) 14 deg 22’

Nessus 15 deg 06’ (#7066)

Kleopatra 19 deg 41’ (#216)

Holmia 20 deg 34’ (#378)

Conjunct Fixed Stars: Archernar 15 deg 36’ (Eridanus Constellation)

Ankaa 15 deg 47’ (Phoenix Constellation)

Homam 16 deg 27’ (Pegasus Constellation)

*Special mention* Mercury will be stationed to Retrograde throughout much of the duration of this Full Moon – from 01:40 AEST 10th beginning Rx at 06:40 AEST 11th Sept 2022 you can view my post of that here

Presentation, Astrology Deep Dive, Transmission, Tarot & more below in this video.

This Full Moon is gifting us so much more medicine than meets the eye. It will be conjunct (beside/ combining energy with) three fixed stars and four asteroids - which I go into in the video below. As well as, Mercury will be Stationed to Retrograde for much of the duration of this Moon too. (See Mercury Rx - Review & Planning post here on my blog)

This Moon's Void of Course begins 10:29 AEST (+10 UTC) 11th September 2022 so ensure to complete any ritual or spell casting prior to this, if you follow old traditions.

A transcript of the Transmission, Timestamps and all slides included in this video are below for you also.

I trust this serves and I am sending you all the Full Moon blessings for this next chapter this Moon is bringing in for us all.

Thank you for being here.


DIVINE TRANSMISSION - Exposing the Blind Spots

Just as the Eagle and Condor soar on the undercurrents of the air turbulences at great heights, so too must you in these energies we are gifted this evening through to the next three days.

Effortlessly, weightlessly, seemingly floating, and observing all that ebbs and flows from our realities, with keen detached observation.

This is a holographic multiverse after all.

See the distinction in the nuances of energies afforded to you in each Now passing moment.

Observe as each moment creates the next. Blending and weaving, twisting and turning, bending and flexing, all in a divinely choreographed cosmic dance, just for you and your enjoyment.

Then realising you are but one with it all. Everything that comes into and passes out of our experienced realities are for greater divine purpose and serves yours on this path you are ever traversing.

Yes you are being challenged, as more and more timelines shift and open for you to explore, entertain and experience.

However, this is where you must attune to Higher Divine Will by activation of your Throat Chakra. Speak to the Universe and own all your desires.

All of your wishes. All you know and pray to release for integration within you so you may step more boldly into your purpose on the path of the heart you have chosen to walk again this life.

Hum, sing, scream, shout & howl to assist in activating your Throat Chakra, tapping just below your collar bones to activate your Higher Heart and it’s Truths to the surface.

Allow whatever comes to come, flow with it like water, in forcing energy or anything to shift in your life you will be met with resistances of outside forces.

Therefore, you must, just as the Eagle and the Condor do, work smarter, not harder to achieve the exalted results which you desire.

Allow the Universe, the Cosmos, God, Source, Creator, Wakan Tanka, The Great Mystery to be the undercurrents filling your wings. So you too may soar, effortlessly, weightlessly, in a Divinely guided way toward dreams far beyond what you have yet dare to dream.



Welcome/Intro 00:00

Divine Transmission 01:48

Pisces Zodiac Sign 05:11

Messages from the Charts 09:39


Juno/Hesta 19:15

Nessus 24:33

Kleopatra 27:15

Fixed Stars/Constellations

Archernar/Eridanus 31:35

Ankaa/Phoenix 37:12

Homam/Pegasus 41:20

Wolf Medicine 46:33

Wolf Message for Pisces by Lani Sharp 57:00

Mini Share 1:02:44

Collective Tarot Reading 1:05:24

17 Pisces Inside Degrees by Ellias Lonsdale 1:28:05

Announcements 1:31:13

Thank you/Outro 1:33:56


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