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Consultancy Opportunities

journey to your dreams becoming reality


Personal consultancy

your personal 'Lucky Mystic' 

There was a reason Kings, Queens & Emperors employed the Counsel of Astrologers and Seers of their time... 


Now is the Age of this norm returning once again.


Amanda is offering personal Consultancy opportunities to have your very own Lucky Mystic. 


Your personal Psychic, Spiritual Consciousness guide, Alchemist & Astrologer. 


Weekly, for durations of one, three or six months. 


Includes, personal Astrology consults, Healings & Clearings, New & Full Moon guidance for your intentions or rituals and more....


...extra dose of Higher Consciousness

If you are looking to add some extra high vibrational, grounded energy to your next paid masterclass, mastermind, container, event, or workshop. 


Amanda delivers the Professional Consultancy opportunity. 


As an embodied Channel, Amanda easily & naturally tunes into the energies of the aforementioned spaces. 


Offering deeper insights and raising questions you wish some of your shy participants would ask. Thus adding more value to your space as she opens the space for ALL of your talents, wisdom & gifts to be on display.


Supporting you to shine at what you do best!

Fill out this zero obligation application form today to request a quote!


Speaking spots

Live In-Person or Online

Invite Amanda to speak into all things mystical, occult, philosophical or Astrological on your next Podcast or at your next Event


Your proposal will be attended to as

quickly as possible. 

However, please enquire with a minimum of

7 days notice to ensure zero disappointment.

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...of all types welcome

Email Amanda today to share your ideas

for collaboration with her. 


Your proposal will be attended to as

quickly as possible. 

However, please enquire with a minimum of

7 days notice to ensure zero disappointment.

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