of polarised parallels
Virgo New Moon – 4 deg 03 min @ 18:17 AEST (+10 UTC) 27 August 2022
in the 6th House of Virgo
For your ritual & ceremony work, the Void of Course begins 13:08 AEST (+10 UTC) 29 August 2022
Channel from the Chart (Geo)
Moon conj Sun conj Regulus conj DC, elusive and secretive wishing to hide from worlds – external & internal – simultaneously wanting to put it all out there.
Square Mars, seeking a way out, any way through the minutiae of thoughts – Mars Trine Mercury conj Psyche – spilling forth deciding, pulling back, going forward, seeking the right answer, Mercury conj Psyche Trine Pluto Rx – wavering between eruption and implosion Mercury conj Psyche opposite Jupiter Rx – is it worth the risk?
What do I really feel about that? What will they think? Am I really ready to reveal that depth to them? To the world? To myself?
Neptune Rx in the 1st House, Am I just a little delusional or ungrounded now? Or is that how I am being perceived? Or is that my own fear being projected on to the external, not even perceiving me?
Maybe I’m a little ungrounded – Neptune Rx sextile Pluto Rx or thinking I am seeing too far into something not there.
I can feel my way through this seeming restrictive energy, Lilith conj Sirius in Cancer, if only control wasn’t an illusion.
Am I, do I have what it takes Venus Trine Chiron Rx in Aries, surely I do – Chiron chimes in ‘but, what about that one time when it didn’t work out? Best and safest to continue projecting fear on to an unknown future – you know, just so my Ego is comfortable.’
What about all your efforts and hard work, remember the initiations you’ve already overcome, and succeeded in – Venus in Leo opposite Saturn Rx in Aquarius.
You’re born to see and feel that which no one else can, or has the wherewithal to bring into the Collective realities for humanity – you’re here to change and shake things up. Lean in and put your back and muscle into it. It’s only hard if you make it hard. You can go slow and steady when you need to, stretch and flex your schedule when you desire to, however your eyes will stay fixed on the prize. It’s only up from here, your access to all other routes has been denied. Onward and upward grants Dharmas are fulfilled – Saturn Rx Square Uranus Rx conj North Node in Taurus.
Transmission ‘Closing in on Clarity of Polarised Parallels’
Your Psyche has literally been Psyched.
A self imposed psy-op of multidimensional fractallings of possibilities, outcomes and varying degrees of grandiosity – from depths of fearing negative response, repose, or result, to fantastical imaginings with zero grounding on data presented in the physical. Facts and truths, warped and twisted to prevent sudden and existential implosion of your reality. Stretching, blending and weaving of imposed meaning and profundity where the truth of the matters is as simple and absolute as grass is green.
Navigating the tightrope as it sways the polarities.
Lost in the madness of synchronicity and back again to Divine Genius.
Tapped in, turned on, and attuned safely to whichever dimensions of your reality needs attention and coherent measured focused action.
Internal emotional storms simultaneously vying for your attention, turn into raging squalls until acknowledged and addressed.
Another initiation passed.
Deeper awarenesses result and now the Green Light is aglow, the honing in of your TRUTH appears imminent once again, as you can feel within your vessel and mind the storm has passed, as too have you to another level, yet again.
Just in time to enjoy a brief cosmic reprieve before the next round of upgrades.
Integrate the vibration and newfound clarity of what needs to change.
You can plan the “how’ once Mercury retrogrades to ingress Virgo again.
In the interim, more clarity will come.
Trust your process.
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Welcome & Intro 00:00
Messages from the Aspects New Moon Natal Geo Chart 00:59
Transmission 04:31
Helio Charts 07:19
Virgo – Zodiac Sign 11:00
Asteroid Chart 18:11
Psyche Asteroid 20:45
Neptune Retrograde Article (Zarah Wolf days) https://www.amandaldarch.com/post/neptune-retrograde-worlds-within-worlds
Psyche in Libra
Psyche the Goddess
Fixed Stars Charts 30:22
Ursa Major Constellation 36:00
El Kophrah Fixed Star
Shamanic Symbolism of Bear 56:47
Channelled Tarot Celtic Cross 1:08:17
4 Virgo – Inside Degrees by Ellias Lonsdale 1:26:59
Reflections 1:30:58
Thank you & Outro1:33:00
Open for Personal Bookings via links below this post 🥰
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Spirit just nudged me to offer $50 Chart readings for the first 20 people.
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Thank you for watching, and being here.
I trust these timeless message have served you at this time 🙌💞🙏🥰
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So much Love & Blessings,
Amanda 🥰🙏💜💞⚛ 🐺👁
🎶 Credit: Mystic • Jeff Kaale
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