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Esoteric Empowerment

with Amanda L Darch

Bespoke Psychic Services

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Hi there beautiful, welcome,


Firstly, Thank you for clicking on my new sacred offering.


You’ve probably clicked on this link today, either out of curiosity, wondering “What is Esoteric Empowerment?,” or you already have a fair idea and your heart & soul has led you to connect with me today.


Either way, thank you for being here. 


This is your invitation to click the video below to meet me, Amanda Darch, and learn more on my new sacred Offering I am so honoured to serve.

This is for you if....

~ you are like me, with a hunger and fearlessness to dive into your Soul journey of knowing thyself and any healing that may be required to rebuild your confidence and trust in your Self. 


~ you are well and truly sick of your own BS limiting you and you are 100% a FUCK YES to owning all aspects of yourself LIGHT & SHADOW in order feel more whole in yourself,


~ you are ready to feel more unfuckwithable, IN LOVE with every step of your processes,  and LIGHT as a fucking feather!




~ you are ready to courageously following The Path of Your Heart, willing to fearlessly face any and all challenges as they present to you. 

continue reading below for how we can activate this for you
"My heart-felt Intention of facilitating this Offering
is to teach you where to look, what questions to ask,
how to see with your Heart, & for you to learn and trust
in your own ability to heal yourself, plus so much more."
GUIDED SELF-Healing Sessions
My own intuitivly-led blend of techniques, teachings & trainings, of the Shamans, Mystics, Esoteric Gnosis, Psychic & Source Channelling, Gestalt style Psychology, Metaphysics, Omenology and the guidance unique to you of my intuitive heart. 

This Session has been offered to support & guide you into a deeper innerstanding of yourself, your life and your Soul Path. 

This session is to focus on the any of the following:
~ Soul Aspect/Parts Work,
~ Soul Retrieval Akash Healings,
~ Live Distant Source Energy, LIghtlanguage & Toning Healings,
~ Guided Shadow work journeying (Addressing, Healing, Transmuting and Rewriting of Paradigms and Unconscious Cognitive Patternings),
~ Quantum Field/Timeline Healing Journeying with the support of your Helping Spirits and Guides. 

What is included:

1 - 2 hour Zoom Meet with Amanda
7 Days VM Integration Post-Session Support
Recording with lifetime access
Bringing channelled guidance and clarity into the area/s of your life where you most desire it, from the non-ordinary realms of your Higher Self, Guides, Ancestors, Spirit Teams of any Dimension. Utilising Mediumship, Divination, Non-Ordinary & Quantum Realm Visitation, Numerology, the Tarot & your Natal Astrology Chart*.

(*Not a Deep Dive Chart Analysis, please refer below)

What is included:
1 - 2 hour Zoom Meet with Amanda
1 Check-in Chat via VM 
Recording with lifetime access
Ever wondered why your Sun sign just doesn't hit the mark? 

Or perhaps you're ready to dive in past your Sun, Moon and Ascendant (Rising) signs & want to learn more of what is at play behind the scenes, discovering your planetary blueprint for what has contributed heavily to making you, You. 

Amanda delivers a comprehensive digestable Astrological Live Session  which won't make you feel completely overwhelmed. Yet will blow your mind of just how much your Natal & Progressed Charts are playing out in this year of your life. 

With a private link to your recording for infinite future study.  

Select your Natal Chart Channelled Analysis + Q&A  

*For Natal Chart + Transits Channelled Analysis + Q&A or
Progressed Chart Channelled Analysis + Q&A Sessions, please ensure we have sat together for your Natal Chart Deep Dive prior. 

**For Progressed Chart + Transits Channelled Analysis + Q&A please ensure we have sat together for your Progessed Chart Deep Dive prior.

***Upon booking please provide your full name, your Date of Birth, time of birth (if known) and place of birth.

What is included:
1 - 2 hour Zoom Meet with Amanda
3 Days for Clarification Questions for Astrology Deep Dives
Recording with Lifetime Access.


Amanda Darch

I am not here to sell you a dream. I am here to show you how to create it!©

Alchemy with Amanda

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