Channelled Messages through the Hosues, blended with Horoscope style for all Signs.
Plus All Signs Soul Guidance Tarot for Mercury Rx
Mecury Stations Retrograde (Rx) at 8 deg 54' Libra
St Rx: 10th Sept 2022 01:40 AEST (+10 UTC)
Rx motion: 11th Sept 2022 06:40 AEST (+10 UTC)
Mercury Stations Direct at 24 deg 13' Virgo
St Direct: 2nd Oct 2022 08:08 AEDT (+11 UTC)
Direct motion: 3rd Oct 2022 11:18 AEDT (+11 UTC)
Pre-Rx Shadow: 21st Aug 2022 07:00 AEST (+10 UTC)
Post-Shadow: 17th Oct 2022 15:40 AEDT (+11 UTC)
*Special Mention*
Pisces Full Moon is happening at 17 deg 41' during this Stationing to Retrograde
10th Sept 2022 19:59 AEST ( +10 UTC)
(Transmission & Report available on YouTube - remember to subscribe & click the bell)
Are you ready? Mercury Retrogrades are not a time to freak out. They are by cosmic design and orchestration, a time where we can slow down, reflect, review, plan, and appreciate how much we have accomplished & overcome in our journeys between Retrogrades, ie: the prior four months.
Mercury rules the mind, Hermes, and Hermetic Teachings, amongst many other things.
Perhaps the fresh perspectives, new gnosis and quantum levels of innerstanding & awarenesses this Mercury Rx is offering us, will prove to not only support your Divinely co-created life, but better help you attune to what moves you need to make next on those desired manifestations.
Thoughts beget Energy, Energy begets Energy. Therefore ensure to listen to your vessel regarding Grounding, and water intake. For some this can be a sluggish time, others - like myself - feel like it's Formula One season and all lights are GO 😆😎💥 SO TRUST YOUR BODY, and not what the plethora of Astro-fluff tells you you will be or are feeling. Ok 💃
Visit my YouTube Channel Playlists for an Audio of the Hermetic Axioms chapter from The Kybalion - my Guidance was it will support the Collective this Rx in particular. 🙏
Mercury Rx Sept 2022 ~ ALL SIGNS ~ Soul Guidance Tarot ~
Timestamps Below
Thank you for being here🌏💞🙌
Welcome/Intro 00:00
Rx Details 00:18
*incl Shadow details
Aries 02:30
Taurus 06:22
Gemini 10:22
Cancer 14:01
Leo 19:35
Virgo 24:46
Libra 35:20
Scorpio 40:28
Sagittarius 45:54
Capricorn 54:50
Aquarius 1:04:11
Pisces 1:11:15
Thanks/Announcements 1:19:31
I trust this serves😇
Look forward to connecting with you in the Comments & perhaps in session 😇
Love & Blessings 🥰🌹💋
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all my in person & Recorded Offerings are discounted until further notice.
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(*Currently saving for new Laptop, Webcam & a proper mic🥰)
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So much Love & Blessings,
Amanda 🥰🙏💜
💞⚛ 🐺👁