What is an 'Emotional Block'? What does 'Emotionally Blocking' mean?
Toning & Lightlanguage to cease Emotionally Blocking yourself.
'Emotionally Blocking' occurs as a result of programming and conditioning from our primary care givers when we are children.
An example of this is, when we got hurt as a child and needed to cry because of either physical or emotional pains, our care givers, thinking they were doing what was best for us, would begin to 'shush' us at the first signs of any emotional outbreak, telling us to 'calm down', 'be quiet', or worse, 'it's not that bad' or 'you have no reason to be crying/upset' ect.
What this is in fact doing, is training, (programming/conditioning) us as children to ignore and 'block out' the truth of what we are feeling in that moment.
This over time, psychologically and subconsciously, has us Emotionally Blocking ourselves as conditioned default to when we experiece any forms of pain, emotional, psychological or physical.
By bringing awareness in the now, to when you are falling back into this defaulted programming, after experiencing any sadness, grief, heart break, loss ect, gives way to supporting you into surrendering into the emotion/s allowing them to be felt and therefore, released from your energy body, physical body and Somatic System, (akin to, Muscle Memory).
Our physical vessels experience, remember and hold memory of, emotional and psychological pains, wounds and traumas, the same way as if it were a physical assault or trauma. This therefore is so important on your healing journeys to be mindful of when you are subconsciously ignoring your emotional and energetic pain response to poignant events we experience in this life.
This can and often manifests as, distracting ourselves with mindless repetitive behaviours, such as scrolling incessantly on social newsfeeds. Feeling anxious, unsettled, unfocused, irritable, cranky, disassociating, being lost in the mental realms, or it can look like overeating, and binging on either food, TV, or substances, or attempting to focus on other's* to ignore the nagging void demanding your attention.
(* how many times have you attempted to connect with someone to ignore yourself, and the Universe say 'Nope, not today. You need to sit with this yourself.' ?)
In order to heal, we must feel. In order to feel, we must allow and surrender.
Knowing and honouring your thresholds when releasing - or 'purging' - is just as important.
Build trust in yourself by listening to your heart and body's needs when healing.
Allow it to occur naturally, never force or 'wait' for the release to begin.
Surrender into it each moment it arises, as deep pains will take 'time' and revisiting sporadically and unexpectedly throughout the processing.
By honouring what needs to be released in the now moments, this shortens the durations of the sporadic returns, and will over time lessen the charge of the emotions to be released.
Remembering that healing is NOT a linear process.
Some days, it may feel like a mild swell of a wave on the ocean, other times it may come like a squall is about to erupt within you, and other times, again, it may feel like a wave crashing and spilling out upon the shore.
Each has it's purpose and it's own timing. All we can do is be prepared with awareness, mindfulness, and a readiness to honour whichever is asking to occur.
Equally so, you are still in charge of this process - albeit at times, we can feel absolutely at it's mercy - however, remember during a release session with yourself, if you are feeling depleted, exhausted, or too tired to continue with the depth of the release occurring, you can - as I have done in the past - make an agreement with your Vessel, Higher Self, and Guides, to recommence this processing and healing at another day and time, when you have recharged and will have adequate space in your day to hold yourself gently and without interruption or that nagging to do list in the back of your mind.
I trust this serves family.
Be gentle with yourselves at this time.
We are amidst a season of massive change, karmic close outs, death, transformation, and rebirth cycles as we are growing, healing and raising our levels of consciousness.
It is only natural and necessary for some things to end, and die, in order for life to continue, grow and thrive.
If you need support during this time, or with your processes, feel free to connect with me via Instagram DM or email.
All is well.🙏😇
Blessings family.
Thank you for being here🙏
I love you
Amanda 🥰🙏💜🌹💋
🌈Step One🌈
Toning & Lightlanguage to Cease Emotionally Blocking yourself.
Set your Intentions & then Press Play
Release any & all
heart break
unrequited love
stagnated Chi
from your Heart, Soul & Vessel
And so it is🙌😇💜
🌈Step Two🌈
Toning & Lightlanguage to Cease Emotionally Blocking yourself.
Set your Intentions & then Press Play
Integration Toning to
smooth, calm
to your
Nervous System
for your Heart, Soul & Vessel
And so it is🙌😇💜
All is well.🙏😇
Blessings family.
Thank you for being here🙏
I love you
Amanda 🥰🙏💜🌹💋
For in person Sessions, or Recorded Offerings, please visit either the Book Online or Consult Store buttons, respectively, below this post. 🙏😇
All videos are for entertainment purposes only, and are not to be used in place of ANY professional Guidance, Counsel or instruction, your viewing of this channel's - Alchemy with Amanda - content is deemed as agreement of these terms in perpetuity.
#lightlanguage #healing #toningtransmission #healingtransmission #lightlanguagetransmission #release #heavy #Chi #qui #energyhealing #sadness #grief #unrequitedlove #heartbreak #blocks #stagnancy #liberateyourself #freedom #emotionalblocks #heartchakra #crownchakra #sacralchakra #higherheart #solarplexus #basechakra #rootchakra #healingabandonment #healingjourney #spiritualawakening #spiritualguidance #lightworker #spiritualcleansing #protectyourpeace #innerpeace #surrender #letgo #lettinggo #unconditionallove #compassion #grace #divinelove #onlyloveliveshere