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Neptune Retrograde | Worlds within Worlds

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

4 min read

(7 mins including 'Neptune Rx through the Houses')

Neptune Stationing 21st June, 2019 for 24 hours

Retrograding 22nd June, 2019 @ 12:36 AEST (+10 UTC)

not Stationing to turn Direct until 27 November, 2019.

Neptune - God of the Sea in Roman Mythology the Greek Archetype of Poseidon

Neptune Stationed at 12:36 AEST (+10 UTC) today, at 18 degrees 43minutes Pisces. It will remain there for the next 24 hours, prior to beginning it’s Retrograde transit until 27 November 2019.

Let’s have a look into how this transpersonal Planet affects us and our worlds.

Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea, the same Archetype in Greek Mythology to that of Poseidon. Ruler of the mystical, esoteric and spiritual realms, illusions, magic, interdimensional time travel, escapism, cameras, the film industry, fantasy, dreams, our Pineal Gland and thus our psychic, empathic and sensitive perceptions to things that remain unseen, alcohol, drugs such as; Ayahuasca, Marijuana, Peyote etc, and therefore altered states of consciousness and our mental health.

Neptunian energies are what give us our inquisitive natures and desire to understand and believe in the unseen parts of our worlds and psyche. It is always there in our subconscious on some level with the question of “What is real?” Teasing us to pry open our minds and delve into the adventure of discovering the higher realms and dimensional loopholes that can be found upon deep introspection of self and of our realities.

Being one of the outer slower moving, transpersonal planets, Neptune takes 14 years to transit one Zodiac sign. Therefore, affects generations of people, according to which sign it is transiting at the time of our birth.

It was April 2011 when it rentered Pisces and will remain there until 23:01 AEDT (+11 UTC) 30 March 2025. Therefore, prioritising your mental health, especially if you have had a history of mental ill-health, is a must right now. I encourage you to put into place a regime which you know will support and assist you at this time to remain grounded, healthy and mentally strong.

If you need support and assistance at this time, please reach out and connect. Either with myself, friends, family, or even your local GP. Now is not the time to get lax on your self-care and self-love rituals and practices. So please remember, you are not alone. Ever.

When we have strong Neptunian placements in our Natal Charts

(Link to a Free Astrology Website below) this can manifest physically in both the positive and the negative, of course.

When our Neptunian energy is balanced and healthy, you know, and are able, not to over-indulge, whether that be with drugs, alcohol, food, sex, or any other activity that could be used as a conduit for escapism. We are more likely to hold a deep respect for our mind, body and spirit and will find that we are inclined to meditate, dance, do Yoga, or undertake other forms of creative expression.

It is with imbalances in this energy where we find we do over-indulge, become delusional, confused, disorientated, and this can also manifest physically as eating disorders. Or perhaps you want to live in a “fantasy world” of television series, for example, to escape the reality of our lives. Whether that be believing your reality is far grander, or far worse, than it truly is.

In saying this however, Neptune also reminds us that we are creating our realities with our perceptions. Therefore, it is highly important to keep this energy in balance, especially when it comes to our mental health and spiritual wellbeing.

This Neptune Retrograde I feel with make it a little easier to integrate the esoteric, mystical and spiritual aspects of self. Assisting you to discover your own spiritual path, however that may look for you, through deep introspection. Encouraging you to seek new - and revise old - perspectives, ideals and belief systems.

As the Neptunian energies affords us somewhat clarity surrounding a higher/macro perspective on our inner worlds. Showing us how they are manifested into our physical realities via connections with people, places, events and situations we experience in our day-to-day lives.

Throughout the course of this retrograde I feel a lot of secrets and or deceptions may be brought into the light, therefore ensure you use your discernment when you get that gutt-feeling about a situation.

Check out my video for more insights into Neptune and below for my channelled messages for Neptune Rx through the Houses. It is where Neptune resides in your natal chart as to the areas of your life in which you will be pulled and drawn to seek new knowledge, find disillusionment, where you have sacrifice and where you need to surrender. Along with areas where you will find yourself drawn to the more spiritual and unseen elements and philosophies of life on a macro level.

As always beloved, I hope this finds you well and has helped you find a greater understanding of the energies at this time.

If this resonates or has provided clarity and solace, drop a comment below, I’d love to hear from you.

Also, if you need support or guidance, feel free to reach out and connect at any time, links are below.

Continue below for Channeled Messages of Neptune Rx through the Houses.

Blessings, always.



Discover where Neptune resides in your own Natal Chart here:

Channeled Messages for Neptune Rx through the Houses:

Neptune in the 1st House/Ascendant: Ruled by Aries/Mars. You may find yourself focusing on your diet and body these next few months, and not just in relation to your physique but also in your style and how you present yourself to the world. Maybe a new hair cut or a change in style of clothing. With your ability to be a chameleon and take on other people’s energies and beliefs, perhaps this is when you discover who and what you truly are on the inside.

Neptune in the 2nd House: Ruled by Taurus/Venus. You may have once been dreaming of winning the lottery, however, this energy may have you second guessing that next big spend. Showing you that perhaps your money is better off left in your savings for the next few weeks whilst you do some further investigation into other options.

Neptune in the 3rd House: Ruled by Gemini/Mercury. This retrograde period may have you diving back into your creative writing and more dreamier pursuits. Including that of astral travel and prophetic dreams. Being in the third house, perhaps there are some relationship dynamics between your siblings, or friends you consider to be family that may get an overhaul. Like, spending more time with one another or reconnecting over the phone.

Neptune in the 4th House/IC: Ruled by Cancer/ the Moon. Changing your environment will be highly on the cards for you during this time. Redecorating your home, rebuilding tense relationships with loved ones, and potential to arrive at newer and more light and fun perspectives on all things home and heart based.

Neptune in the 5th House: Ruled by Leo/ the Sun. Restructuring your budget and lifestyle to accommodate more room for you to creatively and lovingly express yourself this season may be on the cards. As your big heart and higher mind opens to finding new ways to show yourself and loved ones just how important they are. Be aware however, this could include an epiphany of the reality of a relationship dynamic in which you wish to end.

Neptune in the 6th House: Ruled by Virgo/Mercury. You may find your focus is seeking that of balance within relationships, business, family and or romantic. Revising how you spend your time and using your discernment when it comes to what and with whom you are willing to invest your time and energy in to in the future. Be wary of those with hidden agendas, so make an effort to remain grounded to ensure your decision making is sound. Refrain from making emotionally charged decisions and abrupt changes at this time.

Neptune in the 7th House: Ruled by Libra/Venus. You romanticised view of relationships and your reality may be challenged during this time. Using your grounded and wise discernment when signing contracts, agreements or entering into new “deals”. Remembering the devil is in the details, read your Terms & Conditions prior to signing on the dotted line.

Neptune in the 8th House: Ruled by Scorpio/Pluto. You may discover a new creative and enjoyable way to produce a second income this retrograde season. However, as with the 7th House placement, it is wise to have as much information as possible prior to signing any documentation that could have lasting or long-term implications. Connecting with your partner, business or romantic, and discussing it as a team will benefit the situation.

Neptune in the 9th House: Ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter. Your thirst for knowledge and experiencing the new may take a surprising change of direction at this time. This could manifest by way of a sudden decision to move overseas or shift vocation. Perhaps it is a change in career, spiritual beliefs or line of study entirely.

Neptune in the 10th House/MC: Ruled by Capricorn/Saturn. During this retrograde you may find that you are recognised for an artistic flair or knack for looking outside the box. Perhaps you may even find yourself drawn back to reconnect with the arts of theatre and music from when you were a child. Realising that life is meant to be fun and not so arduous as it feels sometimes. Make career changes wisely and planned during this time. Ensuring you are not left out in the cold for a few weeks whilst looking for that new “ideal” role.

Neptune in the 11th House: Ruled by Aquarius/Uranus. You may begin to notice during this retrograde the difference between those who are true friends and those who are only there when you have something to give. Be aware of your ability to provide visionary level insights into goals and aspirations however, don’t let these ideas and visions die as dreams. Balance between creating/envisioning & doing is recommended during this time as you may find yourself day-dreaming a little more than usual.

Neptune in the 12th House: Ruled by Pisces/Neptune. You are a natural healer, medium, and psychic, if you have yet to delve into this realm of your reality, Neptune Retrograde may provide you with ore than a little nudge to remind you of the unseen dimension and worlds of this life. Be wary when connecting with those whom appear to be like minded, keeping your discernment ready as charming as you naturally are, you are just as easily charmed and cajoled into new ways of thought and feeling.


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