Post Two in the 'Streams of Consciousness' collection
Channelled musings sparked by thoughts of "God"
Unedited from 29th April 2020 03:15 AEST

The ALL is Source cosmic energy, undefinable other than being, and known to be that of the highest vibration of unconditional love. One consciousness and energy of unconditional love.
Over millennia many initiates and skilled adept individuals channelled this one cosmic collective consciousness and energy of unconditional love from Source.
Due to cultural mecca the world over, this one cosmic collective consciousness and energy of unconditional love was perceived and interpreted in hundreds of thousands of different ways. Therefore, allowing each and every single one to correctly and righteously claim they had found their ‘God.’ Which they then appointed a façade to, to make it personable and beautiful according to their culture in that day. Adorning these, some mythical, faces with stories and fables, that were appealing to their respective cultures. So they were relational, welcoming and felt like a home for the Soul.
However, there came a time when the immense infinite flow of unconditional love ebbed from those who were encouraging their ‘God’ be worshipped. As their followers and congregation numbers dwindled, either due to lack of faith and trust, or they had found resonance with another figurehead ‘God’ to attend and worship. A great shift occurred during these times, and a resulting paradox arose. The stories were changed and morphed into that of receiving unavoidable consequences for lack of faith and trust. This disappointed Source, the ALL, deeply, as this was against its nature, against its essence. For how can any religious or proclaimed spiritual community claim to be in service to and of unconditional love, when it is they who are preventing themselves from receiving it with the creation and adaptation of such conditions?
If we chose to meditate – and prayer is a form of meditation – with Shiva, Devi, Krishna, Yogonanda, or any other of the adepts, knowns as Ascended Masters. Meaning, Buddha, Babaji, and so many others. God and Goddess energy levels of consciousness. Or perhaps we chose to connect in meditation through Shamanic journeying.
Which we might add, Shamanism is not limited to only Native American Indian Tribes. Shamanism too, at its inception point we find is still one of the oldest ways of living a life of oneness with Spirit, with Source. Living a life with grace, love, humility, faith and trust in ‘Great Spirit’, the ALL, and the Earth itself, practicing innately what we would later discover to be Hermetic teachings or Tao Philosophy and very much in alignment with Druidism and Paganism.
With this now in your awareness, I can now pose you the question in which this has all been preface to. We must first remove any and all conditions man has placed on himself to deem his unworthiness to receive Source energy and cosmic collective consciousness of unconditional love.
For how can any religious or proclaimed spiritual community claim to be of unconditional love, when it is they who are preventing themselves from receiving it with the creation and adaptation of such conditions?
If God is all, in all living things, by his supposed very nature and essence;
Why would “he” care if we chose to use “his” one name of “God” or not?
Or his other of ‘Jesus Christ’ or not?
Could we not in fact worship a rose in a similarly devout manner and have similar results, pious or not, as God is too this rose.
Zarah Wolf
29th April 2020
03:15 AEST

Addendum 3rd May 2020:
For me personally, I “pray,” meditate, and converse with all the faces ascribed to Source consciousness energy. There is no particular one I favour more than the other, for they are all one, I feel. All incepted from the unconditionally loving energy of Source consciousness.
Thusly our history of spiritual, religious and holy wars must end with an agreement that no one is wrong. Full stop. For each and every single “God” and “Goddess” or higher realm diety, adept, and Master are all of one energy and contain the same message;
to love ALL living beings unconditionally.
In my opinion, if we embrace this as a truth, we will be united as never before. Thus, stronger than ever before.
Addendum 4th May 2020:
Upon sharing the notions of this channelled writings with a dear Sister the other day, I received an intuitive flash of this message being delivered by Professor Joseph Campbell in The Power of the Myth docu-series. Feel to share this with you here, for you to quest into his works if you feel drawn to.
Please feel free to share this beloved Brothers & Sisters.
Blessings to you all, and to all beings, always.
Zarah Wolf
4th May 2020