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Your Ego doesn't need to die

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch
Only the parts of you still attached to it, do.

by Amanda L Darch

Your Ego doesn't need to die. A healthy Ego is the result of disillusionment of every nuance of Pride, Judgement & Attachment to your self-identities you have created up until, and to, this point in your journey.

Breif examples: The Victim. The Self-righteous. The Vain. The Judge. The Devil's Advocate. The Princess/Prince, King/Queen, God/Goddess. The Healer. The Guru.

The lists of Archetypes can go on, and on.

To innerstand this, look to what masks you wear daily in your interactions.

To explore this, ask yourself why you feel the need for these facades.

Is it self-esteem?


Or is it something deeper that is an unconscious default you have programmed yourself to "think" you need.

As I mentioned, the Ego doesn't need to die per se, what does need to die is the attachments to every identity, the ingrained personality traits that is preventing you from living a more heart-based existence.

This isn't to disregard or devalue you, or the labels you have ascribed yourself for others to innerstand what you are about. I.e., The Healer. The Guru.

I resonate with, and have "labelled" myself, an Alchemist. As that is the closest and most succinct way of explaining who & what I am at the core of my essence.

What I am pointing out, is a blind spot for you to explore within yourself, to discover the motivations behind such titles, and your own inner driver of these Archetypes we all hold within.

Further to, The Victim. The Self-righteous, The Vain, The Judge, & The Devil's Advocate.

Where have these Archetypes held you back in your life, simply due to an inability to let go of them due to imbalances in pride and self-righteousness.

An example: How often have you heard someone say, or perhaps their energy shifts internally to say, "That's just me, that's just who I am." when they are confronted with a conflict, have their beliefs challenged, or when being challenged to radically change anything about themselves and their life?

Or perhaps you have caught yourself in this thought about yourself on occasion.

What if I told you there was an easier way to bringing in and establishing a healthy non-attached Ego, without the need to go through another Dark Night of the Soul?

This is possible, without the tremendous amounts of grief being inflicted upon yourself.

Purely using Alchemy alone.

See, what many amongst the spiritual communities forget to mention is that a death of the Ego, isn't in fact a “killing off” of the Ego.

It is removing the limitations, the blockages and attachments within it that cause us to suffer difficulties in our daily lives. It is realigning it to it’s purest neutrality point.

The art of Alchemy at its core, is the practice and mastery of Mental Transmutation.

Not turning physical "lead into gold". This was an analogy used in the ages as an allegory to the results of the process and, per usual with ancient esoteric teachings, and texts of the Gnostics, has been completely taken out of context and perpetually misinterpreted, by all, other than the adepts who have studied, used, and continue to practice Alchemy in their daily lives.

There is no need for suffering, nor is it your attachments that cause suffering. It is your attachment to your suffering in and of itself which is the issue.

Some Philosophers believe and agree, Buddha’s quote, "attachment is the root of suffering" has been taken out of context and or, misconstrued. Their reasoning behind this, during the age in which it was written, there wasn't a word for trauma. Therefore, we can deduce, our modern use and understanding of the word "attachment" is in fact not applicable when referencing and innerstanding Buddha's meaning. Further to this, the original quote was transcribed from the Pali Canon, to English by Thanissaro as, “acquisition is the root of suffering” as all in life is transitory.

If in this instance, in lieu of "attachment" we used the word "trauma", we might have a greater innerstanding of what the Master intended.

Now with this – perhaps new awareness – in mind, looking at the Archetypes within our Ego.

Prefacing with, both extremes of the Ego Polarity are “negative” and have the potential of being “toxic”. It is within the range of the "center" of the spectrum in which we find healthy, unattached, compassionate Ego.

“To the lower end” of the spectrum. The Hapless/Cursed. The Victim. The Wounded inner-child. The Nihilist. The Misanthrope. The Scrupulous. The Jealous. The Envious. The Student. The Drowning. The Martyr/faux Martyr. The conditioned Mother. The Prince/Princess. The Mortal. The Nice. The Humble. The Self-loathsome. The Apathetic. The Unstable. The Deflated Beta. The Requestor. The Rebel to Self. The Skeptic. The Dogmatic.

“To the higher end” of the spectrum. The Golden. The Self-righteous. The Abuser. The Judge. The Narcissist. The Vain. The Opportunistic. The Saviour/Martyr/faux Martyr. The Holier-than-thou. The Superior. The Teacher. The conditioned Father. The inflated King/Queen. The God/Goddess. The Infallible. The Omnipotent. The Super Hero/Heroine. The Inflated Alpha. The Tyrant. The Rebel for rebellions sake to all. The Machismo. The Drama Queen. The Know-All. The Pragmatic.

Within the “center” range of this spectrum. The Accepting. The Compassionate. The Just. The Unattached. The unconditionally loving. The Zen. The Realist. The Peacemaker. The Tranquil. The Divine Mother. The Divine Father. The Bodhisattva. The Omega. The Diplomat. The perpetual Student & Teacher. The Sigma. The Humanitarian. The Righteous. The Fair. The Kind. The Open. The Omnist. The Graceful.

These Archetypes are my own interpretations of what I have experienced both in the external & my internal realities along my entire life’s journey.

For you to successfully end your cyclical addiction, to the attachments of the negative Archetypes, you must first face those which are present yet perhaps not completely addressed in your psyche.

Which are your subconscious default Archetypes when your energy, mood and emotions naturally ebb and flow throughout your daily life?

Take a stark and honest look at them face on, and how they cause you to self-sabotage your life and the relationships within your life. In doing so, you can begin to not only heal the core reasons these Archetypes manifested, but you will also be better able to handle the Alchemical process.

One thing I have not seen enough of in the Spiritual communities is them speaking to how happiness, laughter, joy and bliss get to be a big part of the Shadow work journey. (I'm sure it's available, just it hasn't come across my scope very much since beginning this journey in 2017.)

It doesn’t have to be teary, wallowing, painful death each time. Especially when you have already been putting tremendous amounts of work in via healthily holding space for yourself to allow the torrent of emotions to be released.

Or perhaps you have been to many healers/trauma-informed healers who are adepts at holding space for you. Either way, you can, and inevitably will, reach a point along your journey, where you can transmute any wound, pain or paradigm shift with happiness and laughter.

The key to this Alchemy is to stop taking yourself so seriously.

Look from the macro of all Quantum perspectives, and you will see we are all one. We are all the same. Furthermore, the identities you created for yourself and allowed yourself to be limited by all this time, really are quite amusing.

Practice laughing at the way you attached yourself to certain paradigms, Archetypes, identifications and limiting ideologies.

Go back to a memory, any memory where you can see how your Archetypes were in control. A memory you wish you had responded, acted or behaved in a different way, a more graceful way.

As you are reliving this memory, instead of deepening the event into your energy field, begin to notice your response in the event or to the event as comical.

You can even giggle and say something like, “Hahaha, oh my goodness, how silly or absurd was I to react that way!?” This isn’t to judge yourself – which would perpetuate any wounding and further ingrain a level of self-loathing or self-conceit – this is to detatch emotionally from the situation you are revisiting. To look at it from the outside in, which allows you to witness the memory of the event similarly to if you were watching a film. The detachment allows you to perceive the character you were embodying in that instance.

The further you dive into this line of perspective when addressing your unhealed aspects of consciousness and engaging the somatic body using breath and movement – whichever degree of softness or ferocity feel natural for you to express healthily in the moment – the lighter the process becomes, and you begin to see the humor in the situation as a result. This gets to feel lighter and easier to address. No matter how dark the wound or how ingrained the Archetypes.

Laughing at the absurdity of; feeling victim to a situation you – by Quantum Law and Soul Contractually co-created; a thought-form you created, usurped and perpetuated; or any other Archetypal identity you loved dancing with becomes a fun game to play each time you are levelling up.

You begin to become much higher attuned to noticing when your attachments to the Archetypes are resurfacing to get in the way of your growth.

Remembering we are all one energy playing out in varying physical forms of frequencies of consciousness manifested and no-thing at all really matters as it is not matter at all.

This Gnosis supports you realising it was merely your prideful attachment to your identities causing you to be limited in your perspective and awareness, not the Ego itself.

By laughing at the Ego’s identifications, we dissolve it’s control over us and we are reborn empowered from within. And it will terrify many in your circles of whom have yet to join you on this new plateau of the ascending spiral, as you will be unshakeable, unfuckwithable and on your way to actualising your Highest Divine potential made manifest in your physical reality. You will have attained your Alchemical sublimation.

The results of doing this practice each time you find yourself at either “negative” poles of the spectrum, you are automatically enacting the Hermetic Law of Polarity. Thus neutralising yourself back to the “centre” of the Ego spectrum further solidifying this as a “zero point” for your frequency of consciousness to return to each time. Again, once more, freeing yourself. Allowing you to embody all of the Divine Love and tranquility you are, in your heart and very essence of being.

This is how you Alchemise your Ego death, in realising it is not a death of the Ego at all. It is alchemy realigning you with deeper levels of unconditional love for yourself reflected outwardly to all the Quantum mirrors in your reality. Supporting you to live as an embodiment of Divine Grace on our physical plane.

Drop in the comments your favourite alchemical practices & if you would like to learn more, I will follow with another article on Alchemical strategies, techniques to support you.

A Note: This article poured through me on March 13, 2022. The result was a deep initiation through many of the Archetypes listed, and it is still an ongoing process of realigning to this level of awareness in daily interactions and making the decision to consciously embody the most graceful frequency required in any given situation.

Being human is challenging, so being gentle and compassionate with yourself is vital when journeying your path, so you may be as gentle and compassionate with those you interact with.

Always come from love, doubling or tripling the dose – for both parties - when boundaries are required. No one can steal your Zen, therefore it is in your power to never give it away.

Thank you for reading, I trust this has served.

Thank you for being.

I love you.

Feel free to share this article with those you love.

With love & blessings, always

Amanda L Darch


DISCLAIMER: It goes without saying that this ideology will not be adequate nor appropriate for all wounds/traumas. Therefore and equally so, nor would it be beneficial to attempt this practice/technique as a first point of call for healing. There are steps and stages of any healing process that would be wise to be addressed and traversed safely somatically first prior to attempting this technique.

This is to ensure you avoid deepening your trauma on a psychological and somatic level thus only delaying and lengthing your healing journey.

Always use your discernment and listen to your intuition/gut-instinct when seeking appropriate healing modalities for yourself. You have nothing to prove, and you are unique. So only undertake healing modalities and processes that align to where you are on your journey, not your peer's. Blessings.


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