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Weekly Energy Tip | WEEK 26

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

Quiet power, Love, Flow State...

Week 26: Quiet power, Love, Surrender, Flow State, Connection, Solitude/Withdrawal, New avenues, Feeling Body, Heart space, Optimism, Throat Chakra

This week we began with our Moon in Aquarius, transiting through Pisces and as of Wednesday afternoon we will have began a new cycle through the Zodiac, with the Moon entering into Aries.

This week will afford us a brief reprieve and a sense of peace and calm as we continue along our healing journeys diving into our self worth and inner knowing of what our hearts truly desire.

You may feel like it is time to go into hiding a little bit too, as we are now fully immersed in the Cardinal Water energies of Cancer.

Cancer is the sign that rules all things of heart and home, you may wish to withdraw from certain relationships to gain some much-needed clarity and a fresh new perspective on the dynamics of your relationships. Remembering we are in relationship with everything in our lives, including ourselves.

As the weekend approaches make a little bit of time for you to go within and reconnect with your heart and create something joyful for yourself. Even if that is just a 15-minute slot of time where you can center yourself and tune in to remind yourself, everything is just as it should be. There is no need to rush or feel as pressured as you usually do. Taking the time to do this for yourself will create a far more peaceful and calm state of being when attending to all of the things that need your immediate attention.

With the hard aspects being present with Neptune Rx, Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction to the South Node there is still a request from the universe to drop into your feeling body when attempting to make sense of things.

For the interim, feeling our way to sound answers is the only way to offer yourself some solace. Therefore, grounding and implementing a stable health regime should remain a priority. This is to ensure your discernment and perspective on reality as it is – and reality as you wish it to be - doesn’t fall into the disorientating Neptunian energy.

Dreaming of what we wish to create is encouraged at this time as Neptune Rx assists us in gaining new perspectives. However, the warning that comes with this influx of energy is to keep tabs on the level of grandiosity as they may border delusional.

This week I feel there will be further integration of Chakra activations, especially our Throat Chakra as this is the epicenter of our wellbeing as it directly correlates to our Vagus nerve and therefore has the ability to effect our entire Central-Nervous Systems.

The Throat Chakra is not only responsible for our communication, it is also the seat of our Will power and self-nurturing, I feel tapping into this energy this week will be of benefit as it will remind you of your own innate power and strength.

Giving you new eyes when you reflect on the past six to 12 months, six years, and ten years. Be proud of yourself and appreciate yourself this week. Write down a list of all of the things you have overcome, achieved and do not forget to include aspects of self where you have grown and transformed along your journey.

I’d like to make a point of both the Emperor (IV) & the Hierophant (V) Major Arcana appearing for this week. These two cards in this spread also directly correspond to an understanding of one’s own power, our own authority in our lives – not just external – as well as a deep knowing and spiritual intellect.

The fact these two have come out sided by side indicate to me there are steps being and growth attained towards the greater understanding of our own divine nature and thus power. Remember this when you begin to feel swept away in the under-current of the Cancerian Water energy. It is you, as in the ‘I’ of self, not the 'me' of self, who is in charge.

As we are in Cancer season remember it is your Moon sign and therefore your deepest emotions that is your guiding light right now. Check out my Neptune Retrograde Blog post and video to get a FREE link to access your Natal Chart. Once you have discovered your Moon sign the focus of this season may become a little more apparent to you.

As always, I hope this finds you well lovely one, make it an amazing week regardless of the ebbs and flows!

& Be kind to yourself beloved, because you are divine, you are beautiful and you are worth it!

Blessings & be well, always




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