Full Aquarius Super Moon - a Divine Transmission
A persepctive twist on this Moon and the astrology we are & have been experiencing in the lead up this Lunar event.
Full Super Moon in Aquarius 19 degrees conj Saturn, conj Deneb Algedi in 4th House.
12 August 2022 – 11:35 AEST (+10 UTC)
Time Stamps
Intro/Welcome 00:00
Transmission / Collective Address 03:44
Messages from the Aspects 17:17
Full Super Moon Natal Geo Chart 20:30
Helio Chart 24:33
Fixed Stars Chart 26:48
Fixed Star Deneb Algedi 28:29
Procyon 33:25
Algol 38:30
Shamanic Symbolism of Sturgeon 46:45
Channelled Tarot 51:50
19 Aqua Inside Degrees Ellias Lonsdale 1:22:22
Thank you/Outro 1:25:25
This Full Super Moon feels, and has felt, since Moon conj Pluto Rx another round of tackling, acknowledging & diving through the resistances that are within energetically – on an individual and collective level.
Leaving a charge so deep it has driven many subconsciously to attempt to bypass all the shitty lurkings beneath the surface and attempt to “positive think” their ways through something that would otherwise prove to be their greatest opportunity to the REAL changes required to be made.
Yes, we just transited the Gregorian 8th of August, which many across the “Spiritual” communities will no doubtedly attempt to piggy-back off of and sway their audiences to ride the coat-tails of that energy, however, that was technically not a “Portal” of Divine blissful exaltation of Ascension as many have marketed it as.
The Lion’s Gate is real, yes. That’s a topic for another video.
It’s annual flogging across every social platform however, is a numerological happenstance at best, which happens every single year.
What does not take place is the true Lion’s Gate Portal falling on August 8th, this is a very rare occurrence which until last year 2021, we had not experienced since 2002.
It is the Astrology which deems a Portal of energy depicted by a Yod, most times in my understanding, not a calendar system approaching it’s 440th birthday this October.
This all may sound and feel charged and amplified as you read these words and the reason for that is the real true present astrology influencing the Globe at this time.
These past 6 weeks have been one gauntlet of challenging energies after the other. Whether it be the planets retrograding and playing off one another in their cosmic choreography of their favourite never ending square dances, or it be the Schumann Resonance spiking – giving even the most seasoned Shadowworkers, a run for their money – or it be the Solar Flares and Geo Electromagnetic Phenomena we experience.
The energy has been difficult, challenging, dredging of all Dark Night of the Soul debris left, forgotten in the corners of the chasmic abysses within each and every single one of us.
What difference does this make, you may ask, if you’ve felt “unaffected” by the Universe attempting to bend you over from behind?
The difference it makes is to those who are newly awakened, and or awakening during such unprecedented intense times in our history.
This is the importance of being transparent with:
a) What is truly taking place astrologically
b) What is “New Age Spirituality”/ Influencer pop-Astro-fluff based on a myriad of incorrect memes all jumbled together in some extremist’s mind, linking of synchronicities that are not present, and cannot be backed, therefore completely fabricated just for Likes, Follows and to fill a slot in their content batch that day
c) What the ancient facts and data and myths and ideologies are
and lastly and most importantly
d) Leaving the recipient of such information with a clear knowing that things such as Lion’s Gate Portals landing on August 8th every single year are belief systems only
With South Node Scorpio and Nessus in Pisces at 15 degrees and 55’, there already is a vital need to be discerning of which influences, on all and every realm, plane and dimension to adhere, usurp, follow, trust and hold firm grounded awareness against the gaslighting the Globe is under right now.
We as a community need to hold a higher due diligence with what we share and how, to not add to the gaslighting and attempted abuses of the Collective Consciousness, as we all continue to battle it out and rise against every effort cast toward us to afront and delay our growth and evolving consciousness.
The War on our Consciousness is not a new one, nor are the wars that are taking place between the realms, inter-dimensionally and galactically.
We are merely at a time now where more Souls are awakened to these truths than ever before on the planet. And more Souls are awakening each and every day. So it is vital that we Wayshowers, Light, Shadow and Grid workers ensure “disclaimers” if you will, are made for the newly awakened and awakenening to innerstand they may or may not be experiencing these Higher velocity energies in such a divine way as many can be.
This is to gift them an immediate sense of safety and truth and transparency when entering into any of our mecca of Rabbit Holes of Gnosis. Further gifting them an immediate sense of empowerment in relearning how to trust the truth of their own vessels.
By offering the wisdom of what they are consuming is merely one perspective of collective of people and not “THE” one and only Truth or perspective that the entire “Collective” have and are experiencing, ensures they maintain levels of self confidence along their journeys.
Also removing any chance of exacerbating the "what is wrong with me?", "why am I not in a high vibration like everyone else?" questions we occasionally find ourselves returning to in our shadows along our paths.
As we all know, many are seeking life preservers when they enter this spiritual awakening journey. So the sooner we can guide, encourage and gift them their power back by offering a most Holistic clear perspective the sooner they can begin the journey to reclamation of their own Divine Sovereignty with grounded awareness and clear discernment.
This Full Super Moon is one of yet another challenge you will no doubt overcome victoriously, if not during, in the months to follow as the integration lands gently at a pace you’re comfortable with allowing. Unfortunately for many, this energy may have you feeling you’re stretched out on a wrack especially if you ignored, or glazed over some inner truths the Full Super Moon in Capricorn attempted to drill home.
See this Moon being conj Saturn Rx in Aquarius, well Saturn is still at home here – being the traditional ruler of Aquarius prior to Uranus being discovered – and being conj the Fixed Star Deneb Algedi is providing extra Saturn and Jupiter energy ruling life & death and the polarities of life.
With all this energy in the 4th house, home to the Moon, and Cancer on top of the aspects we are seeing to the North Node Uranus conj & Mars being on Algol – which I will go into more depth in this video – it is a cosmic formula for varying levels existential crises, and reassessment (AKA brutal self judgement of Saturn) of where one is in their internal and external worlds on a day to day and whether there is the inner wounded warrior at the ready – again – to head back into battle to action all for the changes required to build and co-create the life of your dreams and desires. Remembering after all, Scorpio thus Pluto is the chart ruler here, so subterranean excavation are to be expected.
Aquarius rules and embodies many archetypes, some of which are the ‘zany inventor’, the aloof non-pulsed psychonaut who just sees there’s really much ado about nothing, so why waste their time, energy or intellect on being party to anything other than what interests them, or makes them feel good.
We all have Aquarius in our charts, the house in which it is found, will be the place you buck and rebel against societal norms, push for egalitarianism and flat out refuse to be obligated, or tied down to nonsensical things.
This is why this Full Super Moon in the 4th House, with all of it’s destructive aspects is writing you a new permission slip, to strip any and all things FALSE from your reality.
Kind of a Cosmic entrapment into you revealing the truth of who you are beyond all the South Node Scorpio facades you’ve perhaps been touting as “authenticity” all these years.
You may find you feel naked at first, then you soon realise the whole room is naked now too, so, not only do you no longer care who is seeing you into your core, you’re now able to work the room more freely to find your true tribe.
So definitely have your freak flag handy, if not to Fly, to wipe the tears and snot from your face once you collect yourself from revealing and releasing – even to yourself – all the little identities you’ve hid behind all these years in the name of “authenticity”.
Is it brutal, yes. However, all so accurate.
Be gentle with your unmasking, and deeply loving at every layer.
You are not alone, keep facing your inner light, and before you know it the shadows will be long behind you.
Thank you for reading and watching. Please feel free to share this article far and wide.
Love and blessings to you, always
*et al – and the rest. (Not the correct usage, however, it is apt)