Flaying to Slay the Binds ∞ Ω Ꚛ
Releasing your Divinity ֍ ◊

14 July 2022 04:37 AEST (+10 UTC)
21° 20’ conjunct Vertex 24° 05’ & Pluto Rx 27° 30’ in the 8th House of Scorpio/Pluto/Mars
Trine North Node conjunct Uranus in Taurus, 20° & 18° respectively
Sextile Neptune Rx in exact conjunct to the M.C. in Pisces, 25°
Opposite Sun, Mercury & Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, 21°, 17° & 14° respectively
For any Ritual work, the Void of Course begins at 14:16 AEST (+10 UTC) 14 July 2022
This Super Moon is not messing around. I have been tuning in and feeling it’s potency build for the last three days.
Direct questions from Sister Luna in her present position came in as fiercely loving torrent, beginning around 5pm today (13 July 2022), demanding your deepest earnest Truths.
Strong themes surrounding, integrity, loyalty, responsibility, accountability, boundaries, commitment and of course being ruled by Saturn, Chronos the God of Time, has life changing implications of a Karmic variety.
When looking at this chart last week I heard and felt immediately this was the a precipice of the ultimate course correct or redirect for this year.
Intuitively I feel this Full Super Moon will be activating and brand new time line until we reach the New Moon in Capricorn 23 December 2022 21:16 AEST which when feeling guided to the chart makes sense as it will be at 1° 32’ which gives me a deep revision energy of the prior months.
We will also see a very weak Capricorn stellium with Venus at 16°, Mercury being at this Super Moon degree of 21° 30’ and Pluto now Direct at 27° with Moon in Tri-Octile to Uranus Rx 15°.
I digress, this Moon is a “portal” unto itself.
When looking at the chart, I immediately heard “Point of no return” which gives me a really excited feeling for all of us and our futures.
Granted the 3D shambles still continues, however, with this Full Super Moon in the 8th House of Scorpio makes me feel we will all be gifted a beautiful spiritual opportunity here to release our Karmic load, releasing the burdens we have held ourselves captive under these past months, and move forth in a new frequency – a divine lightness of being which the Cancer New Moon brought to light assisting us in releasing all the inner debris of pain, and supported us into exalting through our Mother/Father wounds into a deeper liberated frequency.
She showed us then how to unpack, release, unload, acknowledge accept and integrate the dichotomy of our Divine Selves with unconditional love, compassion and grace. This Moon it is now the Divine Father’s turn, firmly yet lovingly holding us to account in all areas of our lives so we may proceed forward with an integrated clean slate, if you will.
Questions you may feel inclined to dive into this – or already have been these past 72 hours.
Where am I letting myself down?
Where can I employ a greater sense of disciplined commitment to myself?
What changes do I desire to make in order to create the future I desire?
How can I show to myself deep acceptance of all that I am? Regardless of judgements I have placed on myself in the past.
How can I reconcile, transmute and exalt energetically, the person I once was, into the person I know I am destined to becoming?
Where in my life am I continuing to make space for others out of alignment with me?
Where am I lending myself to obligation further taking myself out of alignment with my own truths?
Who in my reality do I feel to minimise, subdue, or mute myself around?
Who in my reality is not valuing me in my wholeness? And how can I show up as an example of this for others?
Who in my reality sees, and supports my vision for my Soul led purpose work?
What self-mastery practices can I implement in order to enforce, maintain and hold compassionate boundaries for myself with others?
And lastly.
If I had unlimited resources – time, finances, ect. – what would be the one thing I would do daily that truly fulfills me?
Now, it is all good and well for me to have you read these words, and for a brief moment have you feeling inspired to make the changes necessary.
However, I invite you to quest inward to discover and embody the frequency required for these inspired changes to last the test of time.
Make a diary note, that you will return to, to support you in reactivating this renewed level of consciousness even on your off days.
The energetic lightness of being and liberation you imbue your written words with on the page will be felt for decades to come, no matter how many times you reread them.
You are imprinting your frequency signature on the page with each word.
Never underestimate the power of your own frequency, the power of your intentions, or the power of your inspired action steps – no matter how small.
They say “The path to hell is paved with good intentions.”
They also say, “Idle hands are the Devil’s playground.”
Just as they say “Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to temptation.”
The Channelled title of this article “Death to the Devil” is not some religious or spiritual dogmatic ‘down with the darkness’.
It’s meaning is to invite you inward to face your own Devil or Devils within so you may conquer and integrate more fully, that which tempts to drive you off the path of the heart, toward laziness, lustfulness, and uninspired base auto-pilot action throughout your life.
The one thing we hold as human beings that can often be neglected or ignored is a sense of morality. Peter Binsfeld’s Classification of Daemons to the Seven Deadly Sins can teach one a lot in order to be victorious over base human unconscious behaviours and actions or lack thereof.
The spark of light within your heart that is your Divine Soul, is your inner GPS and knows the way to your Higher Calling. Follow it’s light until you reignite your Divine Spark beloved.
This Moon is simply taking you the scenic route of your own infernos, so you will learn to hold deep graciousness for the beautiful divine life you have been gifted the opportunity to co-create. And a most beautiful future you are yet to even fathom from the frequency of consciousness you are now about to resign and exalt from.
I trust this serves you on this potent Full Super Moon.
If you wish to connect with me for Session Bookings, the links are under the graphics below.
Thank you for reading, feel free to share with those you love.
Thank you for being.
Your existence is immeasurably valuable to the planet at this time.
Full Moon Blessings
With love,