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Mental Health | Part 2

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

Re-setting your default...

Hello beloveds, so when I posted last weeks video, I had cut out a chunk of it as I felt it was far too long.

This week, I go over the gutt/brain link to mental health, the Sukkah Kriya method & briefly touch on the Shamanic view of mental health. Something, I would like to go into more in the future.

If you didn’t catch the first Mental Health video – you can check it out here

AVAILABLE NOW – YOUR FREE CHAKRA GUIDE – created for Beginners and the Newly Awakened.

Via the Home menu!

ALSO - Stay tuned for the launch of the upcoming

****MEDITATION & MANAGING YOUR ENERGY Guide Book**** – again, created for Beginners and the Newly Awakened.

AND the ****Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation Tunes**** being next week!!

*There will be Guided and Non-guided tunes available, in MP3 & MP4. Currently doing my research regarding if there should be any other file options made available for ease of access for you all. (Feel free to let me know in the comments, I was thinking .mov, etc.

Mental Health is a topic in which I am extremely passionate about. Therefore, am doing my part, to bring all realms of Mental Health up for discussion, no topic or avenue of mental health is taboo here. This is a SAFE SPACE for you to connect, either with myself or others in the chat, there is ZERO tolerance for any disrespectful behaviour/comments in the chat. If you are not comfortable in connecting via the chat, please reach out via Instagram or Messenger. There are links on my channel’s home page.

The intention of sharing my personal experiences with depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies, is to shed light on the ways in which I have been successfully managing it for over a year now, without medication (SSRIs). Yes, there are harder days than some. However, not every down day is a relapse into depression, once you get comfortable in that knowing. This is when you can start to slowly take back control over this aspect of self. Notice how I said slowly.

Upa Yoga Link here;


My intention of these videos is not just to share my story and journey. It is to assist in educating you, supporting you and encouraging you to take inspired action along your paths. Encouraging you to take those first steps towards finding your peace and solace and living it every day.

Check out the details in the description box below the video and Like Share and Subscribe to get notified of the Weekly Videos!

I hope you enjoy my videos and look forward to hearing from you beloved.

Even if it is just feedback! Feed back is one of the greatest tools for growth!

If you were after a reading, I have popped the link down below for that also.

Make it a most wonderful day beloved Souls!

Blessings, always












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