Not everyone you lose is a loss.
It just feels contrary at the moment because you allowed them to live in your heart. You shared your love with them, regardless if they were equipped/qualified to do so. Allow the hurt to cleanse & open your heart, bathe yourself in all the love you gave.
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Honouring the whole of your heart, in moments when it literally feels it could crack your breast wide open as it breaks, is one of the most powerful acts of Self Love one can give.
Surrender to it in the moment, and allow it fall in two beneath your chest.
It is an excruciating, yet Divine falling away of the walls you have built all these years.
It is teaching you how deep and vast your capacity for love is, beyond your prior knowing. As the heart loves with every fibre of your physical Being, it is merely the mind that can keep this gnosis away as a self preservation tactic. Thus, in many instances, it is not until love/the person who we tributed our love to, is lost, that the full gamut of our love is felt.
The heartbreaks we endure in our life are teaching us how to love more fully.
In the present now moments we share.
And the importance of not leaving anything on the table/hidden within when we do declare we love another.
It is guiding you through and to the Divine Love you hold within, so you may hold it in your arms in the physical.
Yes, these lessons are a death. And during feels it will surely kill us. However, they are only a death of all the love that is no longer a match to your frequency of being.
Akin to a snake shedding it's skin, except far more visceral and life altering.
For each time you experience this death, your heart and the value you place on your Love, only expands, deepening your frequency to a far greater height than previously imaginable.
The heartbreaks I have endured in my life have grown increasingly deeper over the years, to where I feel my vessel may crack, splinter and be splayed apart like a tree struck by lightning. ⚡️💞
Each time, I have collected the torch I held for another, I transmuted the flame I gifted them and merged it within the fire of my own fiercely loving heart.
Knowing the love I attempted to give away amd share, was rightfully mine all along, and it was a gift I needed for myself first in order to be able to love another correctly.
Which for me, is the most painful part when I love another and it has not worked out, I go all in.
Whether they have a capacity to hold and meet me there, is another thing, and is also an indicator of how, and how much, I will open and express it to the one I love.
There is no half love with me. I am incapable of it.
And recently have remembered I deserve nothing less than the same from a Counterpart.
Meet me at 100% unconditional love, or please, just keep walking. No 50/50 here.
I know the value of my heart, and am no longer spending energy on people who wish to remain blind to it.
As I shared in a two part video here on YouTube, Vulnerability Share – The Heart Sees All, “Every time my heart breaks, it only lets more light out. It only lets more of my Divine Light and Divine Love out into the world. And I would rather have 100 more heart breaks than to never ever feel what it is to be in love again.”
I encourage you to do the same Brothers & Sisters, family.
We with Lionhearts of pure love and intentions are no longer available for anything less than a shared Divine love. And as we all know, you can't fake a frequency.
I trust this serves your heart today.
Thank you for being.
Love & Blessings always,
Not everyone you lose is a loss.
It just feels contrary at the moment because you allowed them to live in your heart. You shared your love with them, regardless if they were equipped/qualified to do so. Allow the hurt to cleanse & open your heart, bathe yourself in all the love you gave.
- Amanda L Darch
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