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Surrender into Love & Zen

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

We cannot control what is outside of ourselves. When we continually try, we suffer. When we let go & surrender, we thrive.

The actions and behaviours another displays to, or toward you, is reflection of where they are in their internal world.

With the energies of the past couple of weeks, many are experiencing miscommunications.

During the Gemini weekly Tarot Channelling I provide on my YouTube, it came through in their reading, many who are attempting to resolve conflict are experiencing mirrored flipping of energies between partners, and friends. When one attempts to repair the connection from love and their heart, the other is still processing/harbouring resentment and hurt and responds in such a way. After this interaction, and receiving the others reflection, the roles switch upon their next following interaction. And the cycle repeats.

Leaving both parties feeling unheard, unloved and disconnected.

This misalignment & lack of communication of where we are wishing to address one another from is the major cause for frustration & separation between connections right now.

And when the energies are this tense between people, it is incredibly challenging to open up a fresh space between the two so that the connection can be repaired.

Give one another the space to breathe, give the other the space to work through their hurt and confusion, letting them know you'll be there when they are ready to connect again.

Then let go, and refocus on yourself.

If they return, they do. If they don't, well perhaps the Divine has a different plan for you both.

Either way, it is always what it is, and will only ever be what it is meant to be, if at all, in accordance to the Divine plan of love unfolding around the planet at this time.

So breathe, trust, and surrender.

You have much more important things to do.


No one can steal your Zen. You give it away in how you choose to respond to certain behaviours. Stop that shizz-nit.

Reclaim your power by sitting in your centre. Knowing what ever is displayed or thrown at you, is a reflection of the relationship the other has with themselves.

- Amanda L Darch

If you wish for a one on one Sessions, I invite you to visit the Book Online page or for Recorded Sessions, visit the Consult Store.

It is an honour to be of service 😇🥰🙏💜


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