Saggitarius South Node transit
Which path will you choose, Alice? / Who are you becoming?
Transit begins: 5th May 2020 @ 15:48 AEST (+10 UTC)
29 degrees 59 minutes of Gemini in the 9th House
Completes: 17th Jan 2022 @ 05:50 AEDT (+11 UTC)
Once its transit moves to 29 degrees 59 minutes of Taurus in 5th House
The North and South Nodes in our Astrological Natal Charts are neither planets, asteroids, comets nor stars. The “True” and “Mean” Nodes are calculated axis points from when the Moon’s orbit crosses the Earths orbits around the Sun. It is what is known as the ecliptical plane and your North Node can be approx. between 45 and 90 degrees away from your Moon.

They are the most humbling of placements to understand, integrate and trancend in one’s Natal Chart, after Chiron of course, in my opinion.
The South Node placement – Sign, House - indicates your Karma, your lessons and wisdom, brought forward with you on a Soul level into this incarnation.
However, our South Node placements are also indicative of where we may feel like “we know it all,” as on a Soul level you feel you have already “been there and done that.” It can be a rigidity in our ways of thinking, and wounding of many kinds, especially emotionally, that are brought forward too.
Understanding of your South Node will shed light onto many of your subconscious thought processes, behaviours, most notably where and how you hold yourself back and or self-sabotage. It’s not all bad news though, as we have a way out of this looping cycle. Which is directly opposite our South Node. The North Node.
The North Node placement – Sign, House – indicates your Dharma, the lessons and wisdom we must adopt and integrate into our lives this incarnation in order to live a fulfilled life. Much of which requires we heal ourselves of that which we have never experience in this incarnation, as it has come with us from our South Node placement.
Which I feel there needs to be far more emphasis on in mainstream Astrology. As what is the point of trying to open a locked door, without a key? With the opportunity for innerstanding and the growth our South Node offers, I feel it makes it a little easier to discern which battles require to be fought, and which need no attendance at all.

The South Node in Sagittarius transit.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and represented by the Temperance card in the Major Arcana RWT*. Traditionally indicative of teaching, travel, balancing not just the emotional reciprocity, represented by the water flowing between the two gold chalice. The reciprocity of the Fire and Earth elements, as represented by the orange triangle within the white square on front of the Angel’s gown. Showing us it is time to find a balance between the spiritual and physical realms.
This South Node transit will be showing us where we restrict ourselves, not just physically, also emotionally, philosophically, and spiritually. Whether you are religious, spiritual or not.
Our beliefs, knowledge and understanding will be tested. As too will our trust and faith, in yourself, and in a higher power too. Ways in which we can traverse the next 18 months on a personal level will all depend on how present and mindful you commit to yourself to be.
Now is not the time to marry your truths you once believed. Now is the time to look to the macro vista, view all of which you are presented with a discerning eye and ear. Give yourself permission to see others perspectives without feeling the need to take them on, or compete and validate your own, if they differ.
Now is the time to truly listen and hear what is actually being said to you, and what is not. It may help during this time to intentionally listen or read. By which I mean, don’t cut people short of their speaking, just because your mind has jumped and filled in the blanks of your own accord. That is making assumptions and will not bode well for any involved in this cosmic weather we are heading into.
Especially as up to 27th November 2020, the North Node will be transiting the third decan of Gemini ruled by the Sun. So there may be surprising bursts of connecting over the phone and video chats, even more than you have been already these past months. As the energy of the Sun and Mercury together, gives me a vision of the three of cups just as I am writing this. And a feeling of frivolity, joy, laugher, dancing and celebration, with those you care about most. Almost child like glee.

The North Node in Gemini transit. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and is represented by The Lovers card in the Major Arcana RWT*. Traditionally indicative of not only a union between two lovers, it can also represent union with Spirit, agreements between people – friendships, romantic and business.
There is also the reminder of now is the time to make a decision between two paths, or a past and present way of living and being, toward something far more fulfilling, once you decide to take that first step.
This North Node transit will have all contracts, agreements, bindings, vows, and connections on the table and up for review and discussion. Across all aspects, across all realities. Within ourselves on an individual personal level, within relationships (romantic or non), and globally when it comes to trade terms, laws, legislations - within local and global governmental bodies and corporations – really pushing us to see a new higher perspective in order to successfully move forward. And move forward in the Highest good of all.
This transit will be asking us all as a collective humanity to release the shadow of the “egoic-mind” of always needing to be “right” and have other people believe our truth. It is encouraging all to step back and be open to receiving fresh new view-points that when genuinely taken on board and considered, may just reveal an unseen beneficial path of least resistance for all parties involved. And on a global level, reveal a solution that will serve humanity and society.
Other things to focus on during this transit are to look to all available view-points, without judgement and employing our discernment to see and hear the half-truths and truths within all. Whilst simultaneously being courageous each time, in asking questions your healthy curiosity has piqued in you after discovering and ingesting new information.
Use the Gemini energy to take a positive, outside of the box view on all matters during this transit. Regardless of the challenging energies we are experiencing, and will continue to experience over the course, focus on your grounding. Whatever works for you, there is no right or wrong.
As Mercurial minds run 100 mph on a good day anyway, without the additional energies of other planets joining the party presently. Venus will Retrograde in Gemini on May 14th, continuing the theme of these past six to eight months, of relationships and our values being under the microscope.
Remember to make time for fun. Do what you know makes your heart and Soul feel light and free. Keep your energetic field clear and cleansed. Maintain your balance and Zen. All will be well again. Trust this, we will just have to traverse some more difficult obstacles and tests first. Further proving you were built for this life. Never forget it!

~ Guidance for this transit and beyond ~
Be open to considering all new information upon seeing or hearing it in its entirety – do not assume, and then make any decisions based on only PARTS of the stories and “realities” you grasped onto mid-sentence, being presented. Speak mindfully and respectfully with others, refrain from any self-righteous energies. Keep in mind not everything is as black and white in life as we would wish, or hope it to be. The grey area is to be explored in depth over the next 18 months. This is an opportunity for growth and liberating yourself from limiting beliefs and paradigms that are no longer going to serve you where you are headed.
I encourage you all to trust your heart during this time. Not only in romantic connections, across all aspects of your life. I feel there is a definite need here to mention personal finances, income, expenditure, loans, and business dealings. Globally financial structures and legislations have already been under review these past months, and this has historically been the case toward the closure of most, if not all North Node in Cancer transits.
Respectively so for the aftermath of a North Node Gemini transit. Much of what has been reviewed, amended, adjusted or extinguished will all be revealed in the last weeks of this transit, and up to two and three months after its completion.
Self care, discernment, healthy boundaries and connections are all of the utmost importance going forward beloveds. If you need support and guidance during this time, never hesitate to reach out and connect to those whom you feel called toward. And again, trust you hearts, trust your intuitive feeling bodies and maintain your calm in the face of even the most uncertain of adversities.
This is where your power will be during the coming times. Is in your ability to remain calm and level headed, in tune with your heart, so you may always choose the path that is in your highest good, and the highest good of all.

There is a list below to see how this affects you in general going by your Sun & or Ascendant sign. However, it is deeply encouraged to look at your own natal chart. There is a free Natal Chart calculator linked below.
I have also included a historical list of the Gemini North Node transits throughout the ages – I limited this list by starting it at the year 1815. However, during my research for this article, I discovered great historical significance and alignment to this transit from 13th Century through to the 18th Century. Which strongly indicates preludes and global consequences of actions taken during this powerfully transformative transit.
My intention for this article is not to impart a sense of false hope, however, neither did I want to bombard you with historical events that have unfolded due to this and many other transits we will be experiencing over the course of the next two years, let’s just say. There is enough fear and uncertainty out there at the moment. My intention here is to give you guidance on where you need to focus and pay attention to right now during these times.
My deepest heart felt hope is you have found some solace and encouragement within this article.
If you are still reading, thank you for seeing it through.
There is a poem of sorts I wrote, below too which I felt guided to leave in here.
Please feel free to share this and any of my other articles.
Blessings to you all Brothers & Sisters, and to all beings, always.
Zarah Wolf
Aries Sun/ Ascendant: 3rd House – Ruled by Gemini/Mercury
Taurus Sun/ Ascendant: 2nd House – Ruled by Taurus/Venus
Gemini Sun/ Ascendant: 1st House – Ruled by Aries/Mars
Cancer Sun/ Ascendant: 12th House – Ruled by Pisces/Neptune
Leo Sun/ Ascendant: 11th House – Ruled by Aquarius/Uranus
Virgo Sun/ Ascendant: 10th House – Ruled by Capricorn/Saturn
Libra Sun/ Ascendant: 9th House – Ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter
Scorpio Sun/ Ascendant: 8th House – Ruled by Scorpio/Pluto
Sagittarius Sun/ Ascendant: 7th House – Ruled by Libra/Venus
Capricorn Sun/ Ascendant: 6th House – Ruled by Virgo/Mercury
Aquarius Sun/ Ascendant: 5th House – Ruled by Leo/ the Sun
Pisces Sun/ Ascendant: 4th House – Ruled by Cancer/the Moon
However, for a more personalised review I’ve included a link below where you can calculate your own Birth Chart (Natal Chart) to see which House Gemini resides.
FREE Natal Chart:
If you’d like to go one step further for an even more in depth look into how this transit will affect your life, by where it may manifest in the physical. I encourage you to also look at your Progressed Natal Chart. This can be simply calculated by jumping one day forward for each year of your life eg; my birthday is September 16th 1982 therefore I shift 38 days to find my Progressed Chart which is October 24th 1982.

~~This article is from 2009, during the last GFC, enquiring as to what we could THEN learn from the Great Depression of the 1920’s and its effects on our nation. Considering what is unfolding at this time, I feel it is relevant up to the next three - five years.~~~

Make sure you subscribe to get notified of more blogs dropping soon! Retrograde Season has only just begun!
*RWT - Rider-Waite Tarot
Gratitude to David Palmer – The Leo King & HighVibe TV
for inspiring us all to speak our truths and leading by example. Blessings Brother.
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