Rewind & Pause to Review & Rewrite!
May 12th 2020 - September 30th, 2020
Stationing Rx: 11th May, 2020 @ 02:09 AEST (+10 UTC) for 24 hours
Proceeding Rx: 12th May, 2020
at 1 deg. & 57 min. of Aquarius in the 11th House of Aquarius/Uranus
Stationing Direct: 29th September, 2020 @ 03:12 AEST (+10 UTC) for 24 hours
Proceeding Direct: 30th September, 2020
at 25 deg. & 20 min. of Capricorn in the 6th House of Virgo/Mercury

Saturn is the planet ruled by the God Cronus (Kronos), the God of Time. Thus, many refer to it as the planet of Karma. Remember, not all Karma is “negative.”
Saturn transited back into Capricorn on December 20, 2017. The last time Saturn transit Capricorn was between November 12, 1988 through to February 4, 1991.
Below I have included a historical transit list, beginning at 1723. The closest transit I came across which is of relevance was when Saturn was at 1 deg. 25 min. and 43 secs. of Aquarius during its retrograding back into Capricorn July 24th, 1932. Prior to that was 2 deg. 43 min. of Aquarius during the same retrograde transit, May 12th, 1873.
Click here to see an article I wrote for last year’s Saturn Retrograde – it goes into more detail of the Capricornian and Saturnian God, natures and rulerships.
This retrograde transit will begin in Aquarius in the eleventh house ruled by the same zodiac and thus, Uranus.
At a generalised view of this - without taking into the minutia of daily aspects - as we count down the degrees and minutes of Saturn in Aquarius this offers a unique and innovative perspective. Not only across relationships (romantic and non) and within relationship to and of Self. On a larger humanitarian scope of all connections, groups, community, society and the world.
Networking and the motivation to see things through to completion will be far easier in this energy. It will give you the drive, determination and higher perspective to greatly benefit all projects and thus goals.
The only warning here with Saturn in Aquarius is, occasionally this energy can cause one to be so passionately focused on the goal, intention or vision, stubbornness can arise. This is due to the deep sense of being ‘duty-bound’ and if not surrounded by an equal support team, one can tend to have a “if I want something done properly, I’ll just do it myself.”
As admirable as this is, this energy can be both positive and not so. In your adept ability “to do it all” can leave you alienating those in partnerships and also lead to burn-out as you attempt to reach your visions and goals solo.
The way in which we can counter these not so positive potentialities is to ensure we seek advice and counsel from those whom we are working with, in connection with, relationship with and or living with.
By opening the lines of communication in a fair and balanced way, without judgement or blame shifting, we give ourselves the opportunity to see where there is alignment.
Potentially afford realisations that the one objective is agreed upon, however the parties involved are coming at from opposing ends of the field or spectrum.
So ensure to embrace the Aquarian community and left-of-centre approach to all matters. This will be required up until July 2nd 2020, when Saturn transits “back” into Capricorn at 10:09 AEST (+10 UTC). Days before the Capricorn Full Moon on July 5th.
Once this occurs it would behove you to reflect within on what was occurring the last time Saturn was in Capricorn. This would be any time pre-March 22, 2020. As well as looking back through to December 2017 when it first entered Capricorn. Also considering the transit that occurred 29 years ago, between 1988 and 1991 as mentioned earlier.
Saturn in its dignity – at home in Capricorn – even during a retrograde will give us the energy of ‘staying the course’.
This can be positive regarding our projects, creations and visions for our goals. Especially given the third decan of Capricorn is ruled by Mercury. Therefore, the practical, determined, confident and self-disciplined energies to think and act, paradoxically, outside the box yet inside the lines, to achieve what you have your mind set on will be amplified.
With it beginning in the sixth house of Virgo, thus Mercury ruled too, there will be a rewinding of internal reflection of your journey thus far occasionally occurring, especially given Pluto, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune will all be retrograding too by this time.
There will also be a focus on one’s health again for this week until the transit continues “back” through the astrological House system.
Approximately spending up to 3.5 to 4 weeks in each House to complete its Retrograde transit - once it Stations direct September 29th, in the sixth house at 25 deg. 20 mins of Capricorn. The last time Saturn transited to this degree and minute, was February 4th, 2020 and before that, May 4th, 1990.

If you cast your mind and awareness back to February, what are you shown? How does it feel? How would you like to harness that energy? Or perhaps you’d much prefer to begin writing an entirely new story for yourself.
Think on this and intuitively trust what is brought to your awareness and physical being. As your body will never lie to you. Learning how your energy responds to and in certain situations is key to trusting your intuition and finding your truth-spot.
This retrograde season which is just beginning will be like no other we have experienced in our lives to date. Not only due to the planetary and Nodal axis, aspects and positions, also due to the unfolding “realities” that are occurring the world over.
Remember to drop into your heart space as often as possible over this time, and trust your own intuition. Especially when it comes to personal matters of the heart, or finance and career.
Use the stationing energy to write a list and get clear on your heart based intentions, goals and visions for the next seven months. These will be a guide, however, give yourself permission to change the course if and when necessary. Particularly if you are in an environment or situation that is not in your highest good, or the highest good of all involved.

This Saturn retrograde is encouraging you to dive deep into what you know in your heart to be true for you. What is in your highest good?
It is all good and well to ‘stay the course.’ However, if that path begins – or even already – feels out of alignment, do you really desire to continue along it?
There are infinite possibilities in every single moment, of each day.
Everything always begins, now.
This is a grand opportunity for you make the changes your heart is seeking and desiring. Now is not the time to shy away from these truths beloved.
If you feel you are in need of more clarity before deciding, this is a beautiful awareness, and comes back to trust in Self. Trust in your intuitive heart and heed your Soul’s callings that are in your highest good – and the highest good of all.
As come September until Saturn leaves Capricorn again - you will reap the benefits and rewards of all your heart-led guidance, sound discernment, unwavering trust and disciplined actions, in waves of abundance. On all levels.
So beloved, what story do you so desire to write for yourself?
I hope you have enjoyed this article and it has offered some solace and guidance for you during this next transit.
There is as usual below, a generalised list of what House to focus on and a link to a free natal chart for a more personalised look for you.
If you haven’t already, subscribe here, to be notified of the next articles.
Astrology, Retrogrades, and of the New and Full Moon magic blogs too!
Blessings to you Brothers and Sisters, and to all beings, always.
Zarah Wolf

GENERALISED GUIDE – per Saturn in Capricorn
Aries Sun/ Ascendant: 10th House – Ruled by Capricorn/Saturn
Taurus Sun/ Ascendant: 9th House – Ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter
Gemini Sun/ Ascendant: 8th House – Ruled by Scorpio/Pluto
Cancer Sun/ Ascendant: 7th House – Ruled by Libra/Venus
Leo Sun/ Ascendant: 6th House – Ruled by Virgo/Mercury
Virgo Sun/ Ascendant: 5th House – Ruled by Leo/the Sun
Libra Sun/ Ascendant: 4th House – Ruled by Cancer/the Moon
Scorpio Sun/ Ascendant: 3rd House – Ruled by Gemini/Mercury
Sagittarius Sun/ Ascendant: 2nd House – Ruled by Taurus/Venus
Capricorn Sun/ Ascendant: 1st House – Ruled by Aries/Mars
Aquarius Sun/ Ascendant: 12th House – Ruled by Pisces/Neptune
Pisces Sun/ Ascendant: 11th House – Ruled by Aquarius/Uranus
For Saturn in Aquarius move one House “forward” – so Aries Sun/Asc becomes 11th House, Taurus Sun/Asc 10th House, etc..
FOR A MORE PERSONALISED VIEW I’ve included a link below where you can calculate your own Birth Chart (Natal Chart) to see which Houses both Aquarius & Capricorn reside & where your Natal Saturn resides.
FREE Natal Chart:
If you’d like to go one step further for an even more in depth look into how - more specifically where - this transit will affect your life, I encourage you to also look at your Progressed Natal Chart. This can be simply calculated by jumping one day forward for each year of your life eg; my birthday is September 16th 1982 therefore I shift 38 days to find my Progressed Chart which is October 24th 1982.
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