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Sagittarius Full Super Strawberry Moon

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch
Your Soul is the only currency of value, and you can’t fake a frequency hunny.

Sagittarius Full Super Strawberry Moon – 23 degrees 24’ – 14 June 2022 @ 21:51 AEST

Divine Transmission – received 16:04 – 16:22 AEST 14 June 2022 whilst editing new YouTube intros hehehe

“Freedom, Truth, Accountability brings Divine Rewards”

Are you brave enough though?

Being tested to own down to the bones every facet of your existence.

What you are resisting because of discomfort is persisting and becoming the thing you – wish least to – amplify in your life.

Stop that shit.

Own and face all that in yourself you wish wasn’t there. In knowing our enemy it’s the only way to conquer them.

Practice this within the fractals of yourself you choose to blindly ignore. In short. Own your toxicity so you can transmute it once and for all.

It is the only way to liberate yourself from the Karmic Loop Saturn Retrograde is tempting you to repeat.

Be courageous in learning more about yourself you are too close to see. Yes, it can be uncomfortable AF to view ourselves in such an unfavourable light. If it is not done though, how can you expect a favourable future with one eye closed?

This moon is gifting you an opportunity for a monumental CROSSROADS OF DESTINY moment. It is now up to you which path you decide to take.

Will you consciously choose to ignore the opportunity for a level up you have been working towards since September of 2021, falling into an ego trap and leave yourself to repeat the last 18 years simply because you cannot face yourself in totality?

Or will you grab the bull by the horns and do the actual work to shift the paradigm that is blocking you most right now? (Hint, all displayed and perceived outwardly is mirroring debris of what needs clearing internally)

I know what I am choosing, and as always it is never to repeat – I choose growth in every moment, no matter how fucking uncomfortable it can get and has been.

This moon is opening the doorway for you to integrate the Divine Higher Awareness which you have been diligently aiming for and heading toward on your path of the heart. Now is not the time to allow your Mortal Human Ego to fuck it up for you.

Own and ground your Divinity through the deepest of unconditional Love, TRUTH, and acceptance of y our being.

The tests we are going to be traversing through to October of 2022 are only going to raise the bar on what you thought was already a challenging healing/ascension journey. Best cut your teeth now and build the resilience and fortitude required.

It is a baggage free zone ahead, and the Divine sees all!

No carry-ons allowed.

We are now embarking a time where the only currency of any value is your Soul, and you can’t fake a frequency hunny.


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