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Reflected Darkness • Cyclical HealinG 🔥🐺💜

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

Matched in our darkness,

No cover could we veil,

Walking talking mirrors,

Alluding check mate not stale.

Unable to unleash my hurt on you –

Without hurting me,

Our difference between –

My darkness left to you

Remains fully unseen.

I need not ever hurt you

As you hurt yourself ever.

Never did I stop compassion

That’s how I undone

Seductive binds you fashioned.

Glamours unsuccessful

No space for you to hide

In realms & dimensions

My Eye caught you blind.

Eye & heart cleansed

Salty to the tongue

Of a love lost we once feared,

No more than ever to have begun.

All left Hearts howling

Calling to their beloved kin,

A darkness within us both

Allures ardent blood

Carnal longing

A most provocative tempting “Sin”.

Reflected Darkness

- Amanda L Darch

6 July 2022

03:03 AEST

Our healing is a cyclical journeying returning to debris of what is asking for deeper acceptance, deeper acknowledgement, deeper compassion, deeper levels of forgiveness, deeper more expanded levels of consciousness, and deeper more unconditional levels of love than thought possible.

Be patient with your process.

Trust and allow all to be released upon it's first whisper, this is how you heal, this is how you free yourself.

This is how you choose your future in each moment.

Zero regrets of the past, do not invalidate your heart because it didn't play out the way you wished it could have.

It all played out perfectly for Soul growth & evolution.

With this perspective of observation, you are now able to let go, you are now able to co-create the Divine future that has been bestowed unto your Vision.





These will always see you through. 💜👁

Love & Blessings, always




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