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MOON ASTROLOGY | Taurus New Moon

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

at 14 Degrees 10 minutes

Sunday 5th may, 2019 @ 08:45 AEST (+10 UTC)

(3 min read, 5 mins with Aspects)

Taurus New Moon Charts - Wheel & Aspects (see below for interpretation)

This month our New Moon falls conjunct the Sun – to the exact minute - in Taurus, ruled by Venus and landing in the Twelfth House ruled by Pisces and Neptune.

The theme for clearing and intention setting this New Moon will be that surrounding value/values, balance, relationships, belief systems (particularly limiting beliefs), and direction towards where your next chapter will begin.

We have a combination of heavy energies surrounding, karmic completions, death and rebirth, transformation and growth, career and life purpose, community/groups and humanity, as well as home and family.

With the current Retrograde energies, being provided by Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and the North Node. We have been in reflection mode these past weeks, going within, feeling our way through to new beginnings which are in alignment with our Souls and Highest good.

The energies this week in the lead up to the New Moon may have left you feeling a little lonely. A little confused but surprisingly calm and measured in other ways. Therefore, surrendering into the flow of things was all that much easier for you, as you know and remember each phase requires time and has it’s season.

If the adverse is true for you, be gentle with yourself beloved, know you are not alone, EVER! And remove the pressure to know, to understand, to be crystal clear, to have all your ducks lined up in a row. Let go of the need to control the outcome, and remember that all things will be revealed in due course. The clarity comes when we cease to grasp for it.

For this next moon phase, prioritise maintaining your balance. Energetically between the Masculine and Feminine aspects of self. Mentally, by avoiding pragmatic thinking, life is in the grey area. And psychologically by ensuring you don’t fall into the all-or-nothing traps.

Prioritise grounding yourself, nurturing yourself and being gentle with yourself. Watch your inner narrative the next few weeks, each time you find yourself being critical or judging yourself. Stop and flip the script. Perhaps try some NLP* or meditation techniques that resonate to you.

The energies are ramping up, and will continue to do so. Throughout the rest of this year and until April 2020, we are setting the foundations for massive change and new cycles of both ten and twenty years. Therefore, if you need support and assistance, to whatever capacity. Reach out and ask. Either to myself or to others in the community. Remember there is great strength in vulnerability.

For this evening, when you are writing your lists of things which you wish to release tonight - remember, whatever it is you feel in your heart, is not wrong.

When you feel into your energetic body, trust it will never lie to you. As it is for YOU and it is from your higher self. It is your own internal light guiding you.

The more you sit in this space the easier it becomes to trust your inner gps.

After you have written what you wish to release, read it aloud (or in your Higher Mind) to Sister Luna and ask that she help you with this releasing. Then burn the piece of paper and bury the ash afterwards in your garden, knowing Mother Gaia will support the transmutation.

To write your intentions, sit in your heart, focus on what it is you wish to manifest into your reality this coming moon cycle, and write it all down on a separate piece of paper. This list is to be kept somewhere safe. In your journal, or perhaps you have a special box where you keep these near your altar.

Although our New Moon hit this morning, you have until 01:10 AEST Monday 6th May, 2019 prior to the Moon being Void of Course (a time in which makes ritual work and intention setting redundant). Included below are a New Moon Blessing and Cleansing Prayer for you.

As always, I hope this finds you all incredibly well beloveds.

Happy releasing & manifesting Moon lovers!

Blessings and Divine light, always.



*NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming

THE MAJOR ASPECTS (sans House placements):

With the New Moon falling in Taurus at 14 degrees 10 minutes this results in the following per the chart above;

Moon & Sun conjunct (both exactly at 14 degrees and 10minutes) in Taurus in

Trine to the Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn making a

Sextile to Neptune and Mid-Heaven (MC) in Pisces

Mercury in Aries is

Squaring the Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn and

North Node in Cancer making a

Trine to Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius in

Sextile to Mars in Gemini and Black Moon Lilith, now in Pisces

Venus in Aries joins the Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx/North Node Square & Trine to Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius

Mars in Gemini is in

Opposition to Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius and

Squares Neptune & MC in Pisces

Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius is in

Square to both Neptune and MC in Pisces and

Trining both Mercury & Venus in Aries

Saturn Rx conjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn is in

Square to Mercury & Venus in Aires

Trne Sun/Moon conjunction in Taurus

Opposing the North Node completing the

Sextile to Neptune in Pisces

Uranus in Taurus is

Sextile Black Moon Lilith, now in Pisces

Neptune in Pisces is

Squaring Mars in Gemini and Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius making

Sextile to the Sun/Moon conjunction in Taurus AND the

Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn whilst in

Trine to the North Node.

Pluto Rx conjunct Saturn Rx in Capricorn

Squaring both Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini

Trine Sun/Moon conjunction in Taurus is in

Opposition to the North Node in Cancer

The North Node* still in the final degrees of Cancer is

Square Mercury and Venus in Aries making a

Trine to Neptune in Pisces in

Opposition to Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn

We have Chiron (the Wounded Healer) still in Aries

Sextiling the Ascendant in the 12th House which is in

Square to Black Moon Lilith in Pisces

Black Moon Lilith now Zero Degrees Pisces is in

Square to Chiron in Aries and making a

Sextile to both Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Aries


Conjunctions imply intensity as the Planets are in an orb of 8 degrees (think side-by-side) and the energies are therefore blended. The intensity of positive or negative depends on the Planets involved. The key here is view conjunctions through the lens of the House in which they are transiting.

Oppositions are difficult aspects implying separation, challenges, being at odds, mostly involving relationships of all kinds. The key here is to meet these two energies in the middle, compromise and balance them so they may work together.

Squares are a hard aspect, causing us to feel pushed/corned to overcome obstacles with conflict likely. Encouraging action to be taken with rewarding achievements resulting. The way to do this is to balance the energies of the two Planets.

Trines are a smooth and encouraging energy, showing areas of good luck and the ability to overcome difficulty with minimal effort.

Sextiles are a similar to Trines, however you must put in the effort to harvest the rewards.

*The North Node - is not a planet nor asteroid but, a Nodal axis calculated from the Moons orbit in relation to the ecliptic inclination on the celestial equator. Where your North Node sits in your Natal Chart is considered your Dharma, Life Purpose and direction of emotional evolution.


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