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MOON ASTROLOGY | Gemini New Moon

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

at 12 Degrees 33 minutes

Monday 3rd june, 2019 @ 20:01 AEST (+10 UTC)

(3 min read, 7 mins with Aspects)

Gemini New Moon Charts - Wheel & Aspects (see below for interpretation)

This month our New Moon falls conjunct the Sun – to the exact minute - in Gemini, ruled by Mercury and landing in the 5th House ruled by Leo and therefore, the Sun.

The theme for clearing and intention setting this New Moon will be that surrounding, recent transformations, a letting go of old ways, grief and loss, strengthening of bonds and relationships (romantic and non) with family, friends.

We are also encouraged with this energy to revisit and release, out-dated belief systems that no longer serve, with an air of renewed hope and trust in the Universe, balancing of the ego mind, grounding your new reality down into the 3D.

A reality which you have decided to manifest, and most importantly, expressing appreciation and gratitude for it all. The good, bad and downright fucking ugly. It has shaped you into the Divine expression of who you are today. Never forget this beloved.

The weeks in the lead up to this New Moon have really allowed you to see things in a new light. Especially after our Full Moon in Scorpio. We have been learning to grieve as a collective. Not only for those whom have passed over, but for the losses we have accrued throughout our lives and bearing witness to certain aspects of our selves dying off in order to step courageously forward into our new worlds.

Many aspects of our old self are not conducive to where we are headed, and as you try with all your mind to hold on to those old ways of being the Universe is continuously encouraging you and pushing you to release them.

Let go darling, realise that on the other side of the unknown is world you could never have dreamed of yourself. Understand it is this surrendering and grieving of the dying of your old aspects that will free you.

As I was interpreting the chart this afternoon, the following messages came through abundantly clear.

- We are on the edge of a precipitous into limitless potential. It is time to walk fearlessly into your new world, without looking back.

- Turning point, with no return.

Be wary as miscommunications may feel amplified at this time. Not just because of the influx of Mercurial energies offered with Gemini, 3rd & 6th House placements, also because Chiron in Aries in the 3rd House too. This placement Nataly leans toward people not feeling heard /or understood. So choose your words and disagreements wisely.

The Moon aspects alone are providing us with some epic energies for solidifying our transformation.

Moon conjunct the Sun is empowering you to own your profound transformation and take charge of the direction of life. You are now leading the way into your new world, despite any fears or doubts. Just as Hermes taught, you have transmuted the fear into courage along the polarity. If you haven’t already, you are now beginning to stand in absolute faith, trust and knowing, all is well.

Moon opposing Jupiter Rx is teaching you to find the flow and harmony between seeking external support and being your own support & cheer squad. Showing you, you are enough, and reminding you, you have always been enough, beloved.

Moon Square to Neptune in Pisces, is encouraging and supporting you to dive deeper than you are comfortable in doing, especially as it is in the Gemini ruled, 3rd House. Keeping yourself grounded and if it is required for you at this time, of your journey, surrender into it for a greater inner-standing of self. Remembering all you seek, lies within you.

Moon in Trine to the MC/10th House in Libra is indicative of community and groups of likeminded individuals being able to offer you support, and they may play an integral role in your future success and or downfall if you haven’t exercised your discernment wisely.

Venus is adding some beautiful energies for positive financial gains and joyous gatherings with friends and loved ones. Being in Taurus and the Lion-Hearted energy of the 5th House, strengthening bonds with your children is made easier than usual at this time.

Especially due to the loving Sextile we have to the North Node in Cancer, and it’s placement being in the 6th House of Virgo – it wants us to be open, unconditionally loving and accepting of all whom we hold near and dear. The Trine to Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn only further adds to the newfound emotional maturity you have towards the connections and relationships in your life (romantic and non).

Remembering we are in relationship with everything in our lives, including, and most importantly, with ourselves.

As always beloveds, when you are writing your lists of things which you wish to release this evening - remember, whatever it is you feel in your heart, is not wrong.

When you feel into your energetic body, trust it will never lie to you. As it is for YOU and it is from your higher self. It is your own internal light guiding you.

The more you sit in this space the easier it becomes to trust your inner gps.

After you have written what you wish to release, read it aloud (or in your Higher Mind) to Sister Luna and ask that she help you with this releasing. Then burn the piece of paper and bury the ash afterwards in your garden, knowing Mother Gaia will support the transmutation.

To write your intentions, sit in your heart, focus on what it is you wish to manifest into your reality this coming moon cycle, and write it all down on a separate piece of paper. This list is to be kept somewhere safe. In your journal, or perhaps you have a special box where you keep these near your altar.

Although our New Moon hit this morning, you have until 01:42 AEST Wednesday 5th June, 2019 prior to the Moon being Void of Course (a time in which makes ritual work and intention setting redundant).

As always, I hope this finds you all incredibly well beloveds.

Check out the Video & Link below!

Happy releasing & manifesting Moon lovers!

Blessings and Divine light, always.



P.S. Here's the link for some Grounding Solfeggio Tunes they may assist you sleep tonight, if you feel restless.

THE MAJOR ASPECTS (with House placements):

With the New Moon falling in Gemini at 12 degrees 33 minutes this results in the following per the chart above;

Moon & Sun conjunct (both exactly at 12 degrees and 33 minutes) in Gemini in 5th House, ruled By Leo

Opposing Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius in 11th House ruled by Aquarius

Squaring Neptune & Black Moon Lilith both in Pisces in 3rd and 2nd Houses, ruled by Gemini and Taurus respectively, making a

Trine to our Mid-Heaven (MC) which is always the 10th House ruled by Capricorn, in Libra though this time.

Mercury in Gemini at 27 degrees in the 6th House ruled by Virgo making a

Trine to Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 3rd House, ruled by Gemini.

Venus in Taurus in the 5th House, ruled by Leo is in

Trine to Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn in the 12th and 1st Houses, ruled by Pisces & Aries respectively) and in

Sextile to the North Node in Cancer in the 6th House, ruled by Virgo.

Mars in Cancer in the 6th House ruled by Virgo, making a

Square to Chiron in Aries in the 3rd House, ruled by Gemini & our MC in Libra.

Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn in 12th and 1st Houses, ruled by Pisces and Aries respectively, are conjunct the Ascendant (Chart Ruler) in Capricorn in

Sextile to Neptune in Pisces in the 3rd House, ruled by Gemini and in

Opposition to the North Node in Cancer in the 6th House, ruled by Virgo.

Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius in 11th House, ruled by Aquarius is in

Opposition to the Sun/Moon conjunction and

Square Neptune in Pisces in the 3rd House, ruled by Gemini.

Uranus in Taurus in 4th House, ruled by Cancer is in

Sextile Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 3rd House ruled by Gemini.

Neptune in Pisces in the 3rd House ruled by Gemini, is

Square to the Sun/Moon conjunction and Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius in the 11th House, ruled by Aquarius making a

Sextile to the Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn in the 12th and 1st Houses, ruled by Pisces and Aries, respectively.

The North Node* in Cancer in 6th House, ruled by Virgo, is

Opposition to Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx conjunction in Capricorn in

Trine to Neptune in Pisces and making a

Sextile to Venus in Taurus in the 5th House, ruled by Leo.

We have Chiron (the Wounded Healer) still in Aries in the 3rd House, ruled by Gemini

Square Mars in Cancer in the 6th House, ruled by Virgo and

Opposing Mid-Heaven (MC), ruled by Capricorn, in Libra.

Black Moon Lilith in Pisces is in the 2nd House, ruled by Taurus making

Square top Sun/Moon conjunction in the 5th House of Leo in

Trine to Mercury in Gemini in the 6th House ruled by Virgo in

Sextile to Uranus in Taurus in the 4th House, ruled by Cancer.


Conjunctions imply intensity as the Planets are in an orb of 8 degrees (think side-by-side) and the energies are therefore blended. The intensity of positive or negative depends on the Planets involved. The key here is view conjunctions through the lens of the House in which they are transiting.

Oppositions are difficult aspects implying separation, challenges, being at odds, mostly involving relationships of all kinds. The key here is to meet these two energies in the middle, compromise and balance them so they may work together.

Squares are a hard aspect, causing us to feel pushed/corned to overcome obstacles with conflict likely. Encouraging action to be taken with rewarding achievements resulting. The way to do this is to balance the energies of the two Planets.

Trines are a smooth and encouraging energy, showing areas of good luck and the ability to overcome difficulty with minimal effort.

Sextiles are a similar to Trines, however you must put in the effort to harvest the rewards.

*The North Node - is not a planet nor asteroid but, a Nodal axis calculated from the Moons orbit in relation to the ecliptic inclination on the celestial equator. Where your North Node sits in your Natal Chart is considered your Dharma, Life Purpose and direction of emotional evolution.


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