~ The Return of Prometheus ~
(3min read) Includes Channelled messages for each of the Zodiac.
Universally accepted Retrograde period;
18 June 2020 04:59 (UTC) 14°45’ Cancer - 12 July 2020 08:26 (UTC) 5° 29’ Cancer
Pre began: 2 June 2020
Post ends: 26 July 2020
~ Per Astro Charts for Melbourne, Australia ~
Stations Rx: 18 June 2020 10:00 AEST at 14° 45’ Cancer in 12th House.
Actual motion Rx: 19 June 2020 05:00 AEST to 14° 44’ - still considered “Stationed”
Considered Rxing: 20 June 2020 10:00 AEST at 14° 38’
Stations Direct: 12 July 2020 10:00 AEST at 5° 29’ Cancer in 10th House.
Actual motion Direct: 13 July 2020 05:00 AEST at 5° 30’ - still considered “Stationed”
Considered Direct: 14 July 2020 10:00 AEST 10:00 5° 36’

In typical Mercurial trickster style, nothing is stereotypical or in accordance with “the usual” as reflected in it’s transitionary period between direct and retrograde motions.
This I feel is a perfect epitome of what this particular retrograde will be asking of us all. Especially as whilst researching for this article Prometheus made himself very well and truly known. It was hard to escape the synchronicities after first discovering the relation between him and Mercury.
Prometheus is most notable for defying Zeus and the other Gods as he “stole the fire” right from under their noses by distracting them. The story has it he threw an apple over the walls of the palace, into the courtyard where the Goddess’ were mingling whilst the Gods discussed all “important” matters.
The bait; a note attached to the apple reading; “This is for the most beautiful of all the Goddess’.”
Naturally this caused them to argue amongst one another, each claiming the fruit was for themselves, and thus creating a humorous show that distracted the Gods. Prometheus snuck in a claimed the fire in this moment.
He was eventually caught and Zeus bound him to a rock atop the mountains where an Eagle would feast on his liver each day.
Prometheus in ancient Greek means “forethinker” and during the Greek Wars of independence was seen to represent the creative revolutionary spirit and hope.*
It is not until June 26th once the Sun makes an applying conjunction that we will feel this energy begin to take effect, and once Brother Sol and Mercury cross paths making a separating conjunction, after 1 July, will we be able to feel the energies of Prometheus take hold a little more firmly.
In the lead up to June 28 – this day needs to be marked in all calendars! Not only will the applying conjunction of the Sun and Mercury be taking hold, this is the day Mercury will be closest to Earth, prior to making it’s inferior conjunction on 1 July. Simply put an inferior conjunction is when Mercury transits between the Earth and the Sun and from a Heliocentric perspective is the only time we see it conjunct the Sun.
June 28, will also be a day when the conjunction between Mercury and the fixed star Sirius tightens. Along with the Jupiter, Pluto conjunction being joined by their father, Saturn in the last minutes of Aquarius. Things will change in big and unexpected ways from this day onward, on global and personal levels. However, that is another article, soon be released. So subscribe and stay tuned!

The general messages I feel for the collective during this retrograde are look to back to the previous retrograde period between 17 February through to 12 March 2020. Also briefly reflect to 4 – 27 June 2019. As this was the last time Mercury transited Cancer.
Over the course of this retrograde transit we will be shown beyond doubt many things which we thought to be true, turn out to in fact be the opposite. And vice versa. This is the nature of the compounding retrogrades and aspects we are to experience.
Much of which will directly ask you to review internal processes, behaviours, beliefs and almost force you, whether you wish or not, to edit, adapt, amend or let go any and all of that which is no longer in alignment with your new found truths. We will no longer be able to deceive ourselves.
Surrendering to the cosmic flow and allowing are going to be the cornerstones these next few weeks, offering deep and lasting changes that you may or not may not desire. So be wary of the seeds you are tending during this time. Discern what will reap a beneficial harvest and that which your intuition has already been telling you is not worth the energy you are feeing into it. Redirect your course accordingly for the later so that you are reaping exactly what you desire.
Remembering, do not confuse or confound the Universe with polarizing energies. Believe and know to the depths of your frequency. There is no room for doubt or second guessing your worthiness to receive and manifest that which you wish for. This conflicting of energies is one way to delay, or void your manifestations from being made physical.
We reassure you, this is not mere “positive thinking” nor is it “faking it till you make it” – this is the art of Alchemy. The true Alchemy which is the art of Mental Transmutation. This practice may be applied by any and all who have come across the teachings of the adepts and Masters, to many things in one’s life. However, we encourage you to conceive of the idea from the perspective of your inner worlds first. Thoughts precede feelings; Feelings precede emotions; Emotions precede state of beingness. So FEEL within every cell of your being, your desires are already here in the NOW, and hold that vibration each day, for as long as you feel intuitively guided to do so.

As per each Mercury retrograde it is ill-advised to sign contractual documents, I feel this especially so as with the North Node making a return to Gemini, there is a sense that not all the T’s & C’s may be made clear or transparent. Triple checking is advised. Also, if any contracts are having to be unavoidably signed during this period, I am feeling a loop-hole with regard to “when” these discussions first began.
If it was pre April 9th I am hearing this could be benefical and may survive the retrogrades. However, if it was post April 9th – discernment and caution is advised, as I am seeing the seven of swords as I write this. Translated, there may be elements of deception, in particular half-truths. Question omissions, if they are felt, do not doubt your innate intuitive self during this time.
Remember beloved, all the work you have been doing these past months has prepared you for this gauntlet. Do not allow the hype of the 3D to distract you from Self. You have totally got this!

If you wish for some more information on Mercury, check out the awesome articles published earlier on North Node in Gemini & ‘Seasons of Sol’ Gemini Season.
Below I have included a generalised guide for your astrology - with a link to do your Natal Chart - and Channelled messages for each of the signs. I felt to do something a little different this time. I hope you have found value in this and perhaps it has confirmed some of your own intuitions. Remember no shade ever beloved. Just truth.
Please feel free to share this article Brothers & Sisters.
Many blessings to you all, and to all beings always
Zarah Wolf
General Chart Guide + Channelled Messages
Aries Sun/ Ascendant: 4th House - Ruled by Cancer/Moon
“Be wary of flared tempers with family this Mercury retrograde. Your ruling planet is still a little hungover from being in Neptune. So discern situations for what they are without projection beloved. Work on strengthening the connections with those you love. Channel your energy into something to freshen up your environment, perhaps some indoor plants, or a fresh coat of paint.”
Taurus Sun/ Ascendant: 3rd House – Ruled by Gemini/Mercury
“Remember to have fun. You do have a lighthearted nature deep under that stoic, safe, slow and steady façade. Allow the Gemini energy to bring out your inner child, let them play. It is long overdue. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured.”
Gemini Sun/ Ascendant: 2nd House – Ruled by Taurus/Venus
“Surrender and go within beloved. You have been delaying this process during your season as all you wanted was to play, connect, and mingle. Now you may find, you have no choice left but to delve into that which you were resisting. Be gentle with, and show some extra love and care to yourself. And remember each twin needs their day in the Sun to blossom.”
Cancer Sun/ Ascendant: 1st House – Ruled by Aries/Mars
“Your discernment is so point it may scare or trigger others. Be wary of your tongue this retrograde as it is sharp and not all know how to handle such truths. Your new found confidence in Self and speaking your truths is bringing you into a whole new chapter and levels of abundance. Staying humble whilst honouring your worth is the dance you will be doing these next few months.”
Leo Sun/ Ascendant: 12th House – Ruled by Pisces/Neptune
“The world is your oyster and success will be found in the coming months. Your manifestation abilities are reaching new levels as you have been putting in the work of “balancing” and aligning your head and your heart. Proceed forward with confidence and pride in check, in all of your heart based endeavours, not matter how left of centre or fantastical your ego-mind judges them to be. Being mindful the 12th House energies can fuel this doubt too. The world needs them Leo, so shine like the Sun you are.”
Virgo Sun/ Ascendant: 11th House – Ruled by Aquarius/Uranus
“Passionate beginning await, or perhaps a passionate love affair. Discern before jumping in however, do not judge all is “doom and gloom” in the world right now. Sometime you are unable to see the forest for the trees. And thus can be prone to missing opportunities handed to you, simply because they do not appear as you wish them to. Go toward what lights you up, trust your intuition, you are ruled by the Solar Plexus, the first point of call for energies entering our fields. Thus impeccable psychic abilities. Trust your energetic being, it will never lie to you, not all truths are logical.”

Libra Sun/ Ascendant: 10th House – Ruled by Capricorn/Saturn
“The vacillating needs to cease beloved. Why do you feel you cannot manifest the new beginning you clearly desire? If you are seeking clarity on that, now is the time to revise what works and doesn’t for you. Remove others opinions of how you “should” live your life or do things from your mental realms. They are not living your life and thus will not reap the consequences of your action or inactions. You have known what to do, and what you have wanted to do, for a while, now is the time to put that plan into action.”
Scorpio Sun/ Ascendant: 9th House – Ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter
“This has the potential to be a profoundly liberating and exalted time in your journey beloved. With one catch, you must let go of any stagnant, wounded and past energies before you poison yourself with them. In order to reach this success, you truly have to do the one thing you find the hardest to do. Which is to cease obsessive thoughts over things that potentially never existed. Your mind is so powerful you can make the most palatable of realities, one sided crushes with zero communication can become Soul mates or Twin Flames, and you can create enemies out of the truest of friends. No shade beloveds. Just wield your powerful weapons wisely and use discernment.”
Sagittarius Sun/ Ascendant: 8th House – Ruled by Scorpio/Pluto (Trad. Mars)
“All your efforts are not for naught. However, if you keep your work hidden, how will you receive the recognition you know deep down you deserve. Keep going forward on the projects that light you up. There will be a karmic completion for some of you during this time too, either eleven days after the New Moon, perhaps now would be a great time to get clear on what you wish to manifest this New Moon. You have more than enough value to offer. Be fair towards yourself when distributing it.”
Capricorn Sun/ Ascendant: 7th House – Ruled by Libra/Venus
“You cannot deny the truths of your heart any longer beloved. There has been a severe imbalance within a relationship for long enough. This does not equate strictly to romance, however, if the shoe fits….. Communicate your needs and share your truths with your partner/coworker, friend. If you already feel the relationship cannot survive such a conversation you need to ask yourself; “Can I live the rest of my life swallowing my truth just so the boat is not rocked?” Maybe it’s time to flip this script so you can unbreak your own heart.”
Aquarius Sun/ Ascendant: 6th House – Ruled by Virgo/Mercury
“You are on fire! Creation, visionary, manifestations may come a little easier to you during this time. However, be wary not to burn yourself out by taking it all on board yourself. With this occurring in your 6th House of health, and to some, Career, it would be wise to ensure your energy stores and cup is filled at all times this next little period. Give yourself permission to allow and receive assistance when and where you need it. Regardless if they can do it as good as you or not. Allow beloved.”
Pisces Sun/ Ascendant: 5th House – Ruled by Leo/Sun
“Your home within and externally needs to be addressed. You have been vacillating on closing out a karmic cycle for long enough. And in turn this has caused your levels of Self love and care to drop dramatically. By doing this you are breaking trust with yourself. Discern things for the truth of what they are, not how you wish they could be. Then you will see how you have been held back and by whom for all this time.”
FOR A MORE PERSONALISED VIEW I’ve included a link below where you can calculate your own Birth Chart (Natal Chart) to see which House 14° 45’ of Cancer resides.
If you’d like to go one step further for an even more in depth look into how this transit will affect your life, I encourage you to also look at your Progressed Natal Chart. This can be simply calculated by jumping one day forward for each year of your life eg; my birthday is September 16 1982 therefore I shift 38 days to find my Progressed Chart which is October 24 1982.
* Prometheus https://www.theoi.com/Titan/TitanPrometheus.html
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