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Full Moon in Scorpio

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

7th May 2020 20:45 AEST (+10 UTC)

'The Full Super Flower Moon'

17 degrees and 19 minutes - 11th House of Aquarius

Void of Course will not begin until 12:39 AEST 8th May 2020

After feeling into this coming moon I am strongly feeling a blending of the energies of both Goddess’ Quan Yin and Kali. Which led me to thinking of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, whom I feel epitomises a beautiful balancing and union of Quan Yin’s and Kali’s frequencies of consciousness, within her individual Divine form and consciousness.

In the Northern Hemisphere Sister Luna reached her “Full Super Moon” status in the eighth house. Further amplifying the Scorpionic/Plutonian energies. However, here in the Southern Hemisphere, Luna will reach her status in the eleventh house of Aquarius. Offering a blend of Uranian energies for all of us who choose to complete intention, ritual or spell work on this Super Moon.

I have recently discovered, the Moon does not gel well with Scorpio energy. My astrological source* of this information tells me Luna is in her Fall position. My understanding is this is a weakened/diluted position. After hearing this, and tuning in to what this may mean, I inexplicably feel this is not an ideal Moon to charge our crystals under. Perhaps awaiting the Gemini New Moon, or Sagittarius Full Moon, would be of greater benefit. If anyone could confirm or correct this, I’d be ever so grateful.

If you decide to perform your intention setting/release rituals, rituals of another nature, or spell work later this evening, or tomorrow evening before VoC begins, focus on clearing the slate so-to-speak. Going forward from this moon will be as though we have begun, yet again, a whole new book. The rules have change, so to has your heart and mind. Thus alignment.

Revise your priorities and prepare to use this moon to strip yourself of all that is no longer serving you. There will no longer be a supportive energy toward “quick fixes” I’m hearing.

And in writing this I am hearing Seinfeld say to George;

“....just do it like a band-aid. One motion. RIGHT OFF!”

This is brutal I know, however, that’s how serious we need to be right now, in order to step into, harness and utilise all of our power, wisdom and strength going forward.

The Universe has allowed us to placate to our shadows and fears for far too long, if we are honest, we know this is a truth for many. Myself included. Now she is taking the training wheels off. Knowing full well, we are ready! Knowing full well, we were built for what is to come!

Trust her knowing, if not your own, and stand in your sovereignty – you do not owe anyone, anything, except yourself. You owe it to yourself to reclaim all that is your Divine wholeness, truth and the gifts that come along with that. True sovereignty is freedom of any and all contracts, agreements, vows, bindings, etc., you are being encouraged to own this frequency of consciousness. Now more than ever before.

Make a sacred space for yourself this evening. Light a candle. Collect some items you feel represent the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. And as you use your breath to ground yourself down into your heart space. Setting the intention that all that is to be written and prayed for and invoked upon – will be in the highest good, not only of yourself and your family, ensure it will be of the highest good of all of humanity at this time.

I hope you enjoyed the Intuitive Astrology this Full Moon.

Below I have listed the Zodiac so you can see which house will be your focus for personal intention setting. Along with a link for a free natal chart for a more accurate indication.

Be well Brothers & Sisters.

Blessings to you all, and to all beings, always

Zarah Wolf


Aries Sun/ Ascendant: 8th House – Ruled by Scorpio/Pluto (Trad. Mars)

Taurus Sun/ Ascendant: 7th House – Ruled by Libra/Venus

Gemini Sun/ Ascendant: 6th House – Ruled Virgo/Mercury

Cancer Sun/ Ascendant: 5th House – Ruled by Leo/ the Sun

Leo Sun/ Ascendant: 4th House – Ruled by Cancer/the Moon

Virgo Sun/ Ascendant: 3rd House – Ruled by Gemini/Mercury

Libra Sun/ Ascendant: 2nd House – Ruled by Taurus/Venus

Scorpio Sun/ Ascendant: 1st House – Ruled by Aries/Mars

Sagittarius Sun/ Ascendant: 12th House – Ruled by Pisces/Neptune

Capricorn Sun/ Ascendant: 11th House – Ruled by Aquarius/Uranus

Aquarius Sun/ Ascendant: 10th House – Ruled by Capricorn/Saturn

Pisces Sun/ Ascendant: 9th House – Ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter

FOR A MORE PERSONALISED VIEW I’ve included a link below where you can calculate your own Birth Chart (Natal Chart) to see which House 17 degrees of Scorpio resides.

If you’d like to go one step further for an even more in depth look into how this transit will affect your life, I encourage you to also look at your Progressed Natal Chart. This can be simply calculated by jumping one day forward for each year of your life eg; my birthday is September 16th 1982 therefore I shift 38 days to find my Progressed Chart which is October 24th 1982.


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