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Pisces Full Moon

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

~ Create the Dream ~

21st September 2021 09:54 AEST (+10 UTC)
28 13' in 5th House

Void of Course begins 09:54 AEST
Find out below when is best for your Ritual/Intention Settings

Luna in her placement of 28th Degree of Pisces is offering you a final exam into all you have learned since the New Moon in Pisces March 13th 2021 at 23 degrees Pisces.

The ‘Dark’ Balsamic Aquarian Moon may have had you attempting to logic out the depths of your feelings with Venus in Scorpio and the building crescendo into the Piscean Moon leaving you awash in all of your feelings entangled in the rationale you though you had a grip on.

Now is the time to ground into the core of Gaia, through your Divine Heart, as the energies are attempting to drag you into fantastical imaginings.

Use your heightened abilities to connect Quantumly through the realms now, to choose and decide on the dream you wish to experience. And remove all self-doubt the Quincunx from Venus to Chiron Rx in Aries is stirring from deep within.

You were born to ride out such storms.

Remember to hold fast to your Zen in the eye of the tornado, as only from that serene state of being can you choose wisely which of your divinely gifted visions you wish to feed your energy to.

Remembering to return to the visions and goals you aspired to create during the Capricorn Moon transit – when you were grounded, focused, and could more easily attune to your heart-led desires. It is those Divine heart-led desires from March that were resurfacing during that Capricorn Moon and it is those desires that you were reminded of pre-Balsamic phase of the Moon which you must attune to again now.

I am hearing as I am typing this “You have all the tools beloved. You always did.” Now is the time to remember this truth. Now is the time to engage the potent magickal powers that Piscean energies imbue you with so that you may ground down those visions into your reality. Choose wisely and always engage with your discernment on lock, as you are so buoyed by the light at this time and with the quincunx (inconjunct) from Venus in Scorpio to Chiron Rx in Aries, your deep seated fears over the outcomes being negative will take hold. They will arise and have you questioning your sanity and your worthiness to hold those visions on this physical plane.

Doubt is the Devil.

And the darkness will attempt to overcome the Light, the brighter it persists to shine.

As the Pisces Moon is speaking to me now, she is filling me with more than hope. It is a message of bone deep remembering for the Collective; “You are the magick you seek. You are the vessel of light in which Divinity can be seen in this realm. It is your ability for clear vision which makes you feel you are crazy. When in fact – when you remain grounded – you are seeing into the multidimensionality of the fabric of the Universe. You are seeing through time, and timelines, and merely casting them aside as daydreams.”

As this is an extremely tumultuous time for mental dis-ease flare ups. Take your mental health seriously at this time also. Continue medications as per usual, until seeking Professional Consult. Get adequate rest, if you are unable to sleep, make time to be still, quiet and relax your body. Use Selenite, placed on your vagus nerve to support and recalibrate your central nervous system. And drink plenty of water. After doing these things. Ground yourself again and question the visions. Use your entire body as the psychic antenna it is to assist in delivering you messages. And test this either by using your “truth spot” or by using the “magnetic-pull” method.*

This final decan of Pisces is a most potent one for clearing and closing out any Karmic cycles and lessons, as it is the gateway, the final threshold, into a new Lunar calendar made ever more potent by the following Spring Equinox (in the Southern Hemisphere).

The Spring Equinox – Ostara – is one of the more joyful times in the Wheel of the Year. Encouraging more warmth and light to be embodied within you just as too the Earth will be experiencing, with longer days ahead. This Equinox supports you in making, and sticking to, changes you wish to make with a focus on balancing your life & your health for the coming season. Subscribe for when the article is published for that.

Full Moon in Pisces - Chart by AstroGold

These are the degrees which ask you “How much do you want it?” “How much will you give and change in order to create the dream?”

This is setting the precedent for you for the season. And as I am writing this my Guides are highlighting for me the importance of these changes being actualised before the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus we will be experiencing November 19th 2021. As a result of this eclipse will be a resounding and deafening “What you thought was, was in fact not. And what you thought was not, in fact is.”

Therefore begin with setting the intentions to remain aligned in your heart-led purpose, visions, and Soul Missions no matter the cosmic undertows and storms. Aim true, with your eyes on the prize, and an ever so gentle hold on the “how” all the magick you dream will unfold. That is information on a need-to-know basis. Only which the Divine is to know and for you to trust, double down on your faith and practices of sacred unconditional love. Knowing in your bones, your heart, Soul and essence, you are held. You are supported. You are guided. And God, Source, Creator, the Divine are always only a prayer and word away.

I love you. I wish you all of the beautiful magick you dare dream to co-create.

Do not fall into your fear. It only arises because you are aiming far higher than you ever dared to aim before. God, Source, Creator is with you. Always.

The final note I wish to make for you all is regard to the Void of Course; especially here in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a time where the Full Moon energies are muted and it’s potency is lost. Our Full Moon being in the last degrees of Pisces aligns with this time.

Secondary Charts for Ritual purposes by AstroGold

The secondary charts I have recommended (pictured) for ritual work are 21st September 2021 02:45 AEST (+10 UTC) & 21st September 2021 14:44 AEST (+10 UTC) once the Moon has ingressed into the first minute of Aries. The aspects of both of these times are still quite favourable.

During writing this I have been feeling to include Ellias Lonsdale’s Pisces 28 from his Inside Degrees.

It reads; ‘A hoard of monkeys chattering.’

Possession by local spirits in mischievous, playful fashion. Cast into an abyss. Dumped out of status and specialness and made to be hyper-receptive to whatever is moving here – an abandoned centre, karmically sacrificed to learn both humility and the lessons of the street.

The state of mind random, chaotic, inspirational, capricious, given to every kind of spirit passing through. Sorely troubled, yet fantastically out of touch. A regressive loop with powerful emanations. The feeling is that something must be done and that this will require a change of heart. But you gotta go deep, and it takes a whole lot of desperation to turn this one around.

Wow – reading that whilst typing it out for you. Unbelievable synchronicity and confirmation.

Further pushing on that question of; “How much do you really want the dream?”

As always, I trust this serves you.

Thank you God, Source, Creator, my benevolent Guides and my Divine Heart for this transmission.

Please feel free to share this article and subscribe here for when the next few articles are published.

Also, join the HighVibe TV family here to watch my Luna Elements series.

With Divine love, for all beings

Amanda L Darch

*Magnetic-Pull method.

Something I learned along the way. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Your weight spread evenly along the soles of your feet. Stand up straight relaxed and you can either close your eyes, or affix your gaze on something stationery at eye level in the distance. Now ask your questions again. You will notice your body will automatically move forward or backward. Like an involuntary “magnetic pull”. Forward = a Soul ‘Yes’. Backward = a Soul ‘No’. However, I must admit when I have felt the Soul YES and this test has said it is a Soul No. It has been proven that is because the Soul Yes is too big a leap for the Soul at the time. So test this with another clarifying question for yourself. Enjoy!


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