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Weekly Energy Tip | WEEK 20

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

Balance, Flow, Integrating....

WEEK 20: Balance, Flow, Integrating Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine Energies, Finding harmony within the scale, Acceptance & Appreciation, Unity.

This week has reoccurring themes of; Balance, finding harmony, unity, acceptance and appreciation, flow and integration of energy.

When tuning into this memo, the ‘Two of Cups’ from the Rider-Waite Tarot kept popping up. This card is symbolic of many things, not just the emotional and romantic union of two equal souls.

This card also symbolizes a balancing of energies, between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, it also symbolizes the Kundalini Energy that is within us all. Whether it is activated or not.

These past few weeks and especially since we have entered the retrograde season, we have begun to notice doing all the things, just for the sake of it, is not cutting it any more. Our hearts and Souls have been speaking to us more than ever, and louder than ever, demanding we listen and take appropriate action.

Many of you will be feeling these affects by way of Chakra activations, most noticeably the Throat Chakra. You may have found each time you speak a new truth, your voice may crack mid-sentence or mid-word, if you are more heavily affected by this activation you may have a varying degree of a throat infection, or cough.

The Heart Chakra, of course, feeling a heavy pressure and almost like your heart is expanding out of your chest, this can lead to varying degrees of discomfort mostly around your breast plate /sternum.

**Please note; it is always wise to check in with your GP if you are experiencing these symptoms associated with the heart. Not every pain is a metaphysical symptom, or energy shift. So it would behoove you to remain wise at this time and if there is even a slightest niggling feeling it could be something more, go and see a Doctor.

The Sacral Chakra, the epicenter of creation, expression and control. Expression ranging from sexual desires/kinks to artistic. This Chakra has been coming online for many and usually starts with warm tingly sensations that then spread outward and upward through the Solar Plexus and into Base Chakras. This energy is attempting to show you the way in which your Soul wants to create. Tapping into this energy is quite powerful and can offer you newer insights into your desires. Sexual and non.

If you are not feeling any of the Chakra activations, you may have noticed your inner narrative is now far more focused on, “What is it I really want to be doing?” “What am I passionate about?”

These are all expected lines of inquiry at this time due to the Astrological energies we have been afforded. Over this and the coming weeks, you may notice there a two or three “thoughts” that will not budge. These are your green-lights, whether they are fears, desires, or doubts, they are not going away because there is a message therein for you to uncover.

Find your balance this week, by getting grounded, sit in unconditional acceptance and deep appreciation of whatever is stirring inside of you. I feel the “finding harmony within the scale” memo to be a reminder. We cannot sustain nor appreciate the high notes without the low notes being a part of our composition. Thus each note - and the spaces in between - in the octave must be appreciated as a whole for us to enjoy the symphony.

As always, I hope this finds you well lovely one, have an amazing week!

Blessings and be well.




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