Consciously creating a new reality.....

The astral energies being offered this week are of course coming off the back of the New Moon in Taurus (Click here for the Post).
Providing a combination of energies, with an undercurrent of cool, calm, collected and slow energy, perfect for self-care Sundays!
Today the Moon transited into Gemini by 1:10pm AEST and will remain there until Wednesday, affording us the high analytical processing required for the start of the week. Just, the focus may have been on more of an emotional aspect of self, rather than a psychological/cognitive aspect.
It will transit into Cancer and by late Friday evening and for the weekend, reside in Leo.
As the Sun rules Leo and represents the Divine Masculine (Yang/Pingala) aspect within us, the Moon, ruling Cancer, represents the Divine Feminine (Yin/Ida) energies within us. This week is perfect to tap into your Divine flow state and find the energetic balance and resonance between the two aspects of self. Supporting them equally, so you may find yourself in a state of peace and calm.
Make time throughout this week to sit in “meditation” (however that translates for you) and tune into your higher self and mind. Allow yourself to be witness to the thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories that stir. (Being mindful the Retrograde energies can be conducive to inner-child healing.)
Acknowledging them, and accepting them without judgement. Your intuitive heart knows that to love yourself, you must love all aspects of self and your journey that made you who you are today. Denying them, ignoring them will only create blockages within that prevent you from living your divine truths and soul path.
Sitting in this tranquil space of your inner heart and being – if only for five minutes a day – will allow you to slowly peek behind the veil on the quandaries and worries of the preceding few weeks. Making sense of the nonsensical, which up until now may have eluded you.
Remembering not everything must be – nor can be - resolved with logic. The moments when you feel stumped on the path of rationale, are the moments to surrender the mind. Drop into your feeling body and heart-centred emotional being. It is when we are sat in this state of being-ness that we can FEEL where the answers are.
Continue your line of inquiry, however, when asking the questions in your higher mind, become aware of your energy. Where in your being is this enquiry resonating? Where in your being do you feel stirred, or perhaps a little triggered? Your energetic being will always show you the way to that which needs to be “heard” or “seen”.
Practicing this regularly and learning how to interpret your emotional and energetic signals and messages will allow you to balance and align your head and your heart. Resulting in a balanced grounded existence and way of being. From here you can handle anything that is thrown at you.
As always, I hope this finds you well beloveds, have an amazing week!
Blessings and be well.
#taurusseason #taurus #soultruth #honouryou #soulpurpose #createandplay #attitudeofgrattitude #growthmindset #beintheflow #flowstate #cosmicflow #aspiretoinspire #soulgrowth #selfmastery #livingyourpurpose #livingonpurpose #selflove #bekindtoyou #zarahwolf #zarahwolf7777 #higherpurpose #cosmicplayandfun #innerpower #abundance #intuitiveheart #divinepurpose #headheartalignment #love #calm #peace