Inner power.....

This week has us in new energies. The Sun shifted signs 20th April, and we are now at the very beginning of Taurus season, a Fixed Earth sign. Taurus being ruled by Venus, rules all things luxurious, decadent, delicious, aesthetics, material possessions, the throat chakra and or course love.
After being in fiery go-getter energy of Aries, we can now begin to slow down and enjoy the process of our day-to-day. Take calm appreciation for all that you do have and sit in gratitude for it all. We start this week with the Moon in Sagittarius which may have you feeling a little detached from your emotions, or an unwillingness to acknowledge what it is within your heart. However, it is your intuitive heart which will guide you this week. So, make the effort to tune in.
Mars is in Gemini asking for clarity on direction, and whilst Neptune is in Pisces everything may just seem like a lofty dream. However, Pluto is stationing to go Rx on the 24th April offering an influx of energies encouraging you to dive into the aspects of your life in which you may feel powerless or wish for radical transformation and growth.
Harnessing this energy, available for 24 hours, will assist you in finding fresh outlooks, on all matters. Thereafter at 16:48 AEST (+10UTC) on 25th April, Pluto will Retrograde until October 2nd 2019, making it a little more difficult for the expansive transformation we seek to occur. When Pluto is retrograde the energies are more of a rewinding or replay, so perfect time for reflection and finding clarity on how you wish to proceed. (Stayed tuned for Pluto Rx post on it’s way)
Throughout the week the Moon will transit through Capricorn offering Cardinal Earth energy, allowing you to get things done and to acquire what it is you are seeking. New projects will take flight and you will find that there is a beautiful flow to it all. Like jig-saw pieces slipping perfectly into place.
If the adverse is true for you, look to where it is you can effect positive change, no matter how small the scale, positive action forward is still movement forward.
Tap into your inner strength and remember all that you have overcome before, your inner power is forever abundant. You just forget this sometimes, so now is a good time to remind yourself.
Come Monday, the Moon will have landed in Aquarius and another perspective, opportunity, idea, or situation will present itself. So stay calm, be present and grounded and know that you are sailing through the cosmic choreography in waves of abundance, if only you allow yourself to do so.
The growth and expansion on all levels of self comes in waves, it peaks and it troughs. Be gentle with yourself during those troughs, remembering they are time for integration and rest before the ascent to the next peak. Surrendering makes it come a lot easier. Judging yourself and being critical of falling back into old habits has never been conducive to growth. Enjoy tuning in to your higher self and FEEL your way to your new existence and way of being.
As always, I hope this finds you well lovely one, have an amazing week!
Blessings and be well.
#taurusseason #taurus #soultruth #honouryou #soulpurpose #createandplay #attitudeofgrattitude #growthmindset #beintheflow #flowstate #cosmicflow #aspiretoinspire #soulgrowth #selfmastery #livingyourpurpose #livingonpurpose #selflove #bekindtoyou #april2019 #zarahwolf #zarahwolf7777 #higherpurpose #cosmicplayandfun #innerpower #abundance #intuitiveheart #freshbeginnings #divineflow #freshoutlook