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Weekly Energy Tip | WEEK 16

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

Source Code.....

Week 16: Source Code, Inner Guidance, Love, Intuition, Higher Purpose, Trust, Alignment, Cosmic play & fun!!

This week’s “memo from the Universe” came through on Monday. It wasn’t until this afternoon when not only did it make sense, the rest of the message came through. So here it is beloveds.

Source Code is the matrix unravelled to a binary level, an unravelling of third dimensional time as we know it. It is Source (Universal) energy, when we can begin to see the momentum of energies surrounding us, dancing with us that we can play with it, learn it’s language and then have fun with it.

This year has had a very significant theme thus far being: “Masks are slipping away” this is a multi-faceted message too, pardon the pun.

January through to mid-February had us confronting ourselves, our shadows, pushing us to wrap up the karmic patterns and beliefs. It was a mask of the ego* and inner-child we were being forced to shed.

Mid-February through mid-March, it was all about trust our own inner guidance, intuition and divine plans at play for our higher purpose. Learning to trust the Universe and surrender to the flow, whilst simultaneously giving us another hard push to break through our fears and old narratives. WE also had Uranus move into Taurus, so massive global, and constitutional change. This is the mask that was ripped away from National Australia Bank, being called out over their unjust billing of monthly fees for example.

Mid-March through to today. Mercury was still Rx, stationing direct 28th March. All of these energies have been geared towards what is in alignment with ourselves, our futures and standing in that authentic space so that we can move abundantly forward into our Higher Purpose along our Soul paths. April 10th, Jupiter went retrograde and ripped the last mask off. Being one of our outer planets, as with Uranus, it is a slower moving planet. When these outer planets shift signs or direction, the cosmic ripple effect is felt by all, not in an overly chaotic way. Whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, and if you are in tune with it, it was probably made blatantly obvious. Jupiter going retrograde in Sagittarius lifted the veil on deeper truths, which until then had been hidden by the cosmic choreography above.

Quick heads-up too! April 24th ; Pluto will be going Rx til October 2nd and on April 29th Saturn will be joining the Rx soiree til Sept 18th. Keep an eye out for that post, coming soon!

I said it last week and I’ll say it again (hehehe)

This year is the year for growth and expansion on all levels of self. Psychologically, mentally, spiritually and physically. Tune in to your higher self and FEEL your way to your new existence and way of being.

As always, I hope this finds you well lovely one, have an amazing week!

Blessings and be well.




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