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New Moon in Taurus

Writer: Amanda DarchAmanda Darch

23rd April 2020 12:25 AEST (+10 UTC)

3 degrees and 23 minutes

Void of Course will not begin until 10:43 AEST 25th April 2020

After feeling into the energies of this New Moon for the last 24 hours, I have felt guided to straight up channel a message. As opposed to going into the intricacies of all the planetary placements that are melting into this cosmically divine symphony of energy that is upon us right now.

For those of you who are interested in the chart, I have included a picture below & a link.

Remember for ritual, spell or intention setting work, this must be completed prior to the Moon becoming Void of Course.

Message from La Luna:

Sister Luna wishes to share with us her wisdom and medicine of attuning to our own Divine Feminine energy within. Regardless of your physical gender. She is encouraging you to open your hearts to receive the guidance you seek externally, yet hold ever within your own being.

Breathe deeply and gently beloved. Expand your heart space and the light it holds to encompass your being and field. Swim, sit or float in this energy as you breathe. Each breathe is drawing more light into your heart and field, equally so, you too are emitting your light, and thus adding to the collective and cosmic cyclically eternal energy field. The dance of light surrounds you and you are safe beloved. Held. Seen. Valued. Loved.

She asks you to feel into that which you wish to ask for this evening. Not think. In doing so you are tuning into the Divine Feminine and her intuitive waters that can evade us when we are our mental realms. She is asking; “What do you wish for beloved?” “What does your heart say when you ask this question?” With hand on heart, ask this open loving space these questions.

Sister Luna is encouraging you to release your perception of what “reality” is, at this time. Instead, she is guiding you to focus on the “reality” you are wishing to see for the world and humanity at this time. Now is a most powerful time for healing of all mankind. She reminds us not to forget this in our writings this evening. There is tremendous power of collective prayer, intention and love. It is behind the words, written, spoken and thought that must never be forgotten.

She reminds me in this moment, much of the energies that appear to be holding us back, more via perceived obstacles, are in fact illusions. Perpetuated by our limiting beliefs, conditioning, paradigms and stories we have held in our hearts and minds for so long.

She says now; “Lay these burdens down little one. You no longer need them where you are headed.” “Your awareness and consciousness are ever evolving and expanding. Embrace this and speak to me when you seek solace, love and guidance.”

Her last message this evening, "Trust in yourself beloved, believe to the point of knowing, you are more than worthy of your dreams. It has been an honour to watch your blossoming all these years. Keep going.”

I hope you enjoyed something a little different for the Intuitive Astrology this New Moon.

Below I have listed the Zodiac so you can see which house will be your focus for personal intention setting. Along with a link for a free natal chart for a more accurate indication.

Be well, blessings always,

Zarah Wolf


Aries Sun/ Ascendant: 2nd House

Taurus Sun/ Ascendant: 1st House

Gemini Sun/ Ascendant: 12th House

Cancer Sun/ Ascendant: 11th House

Leo Sun/ Ascendant: 10th House

Virgo Sun/ Ascendant: 9th House

Libra Sun/ Ascendant: 8th House

Scorpio Sun/ Ascendant: 7th House

Sagittarius Sun/ Ascendant: 6th House

Capricorn Sun/ Ascendant: 5th House

Aquarius Sun/ Ascendant: 4th House

Pisces Sun/ Ascendant: 3rd House

FOR A MORE PERSONALISED VIEW I’ve included a link below where you can calculate your own Birth Chart (Natal Chart) to see which House 3 degrees of Taurus resides.

If you’d like to go one step further for an even more in depth look into how this transit will affect your life, I encourage you to also look at your Progressed Natal Chart. This can be simply calculated by jumping one day forward for each year of your life eg; my birthday is September 16th 1982 therefore I shift 38 days to find my Progressed Chart which is October 24rd 1982.


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